Status: Going to do a rewritten of this! I feel that I'm at a Writer's Block with this one, so I'm starting over.

Darkest Secret

The Burrow

I was on my way to the Great Hall to eat breakfast. I ran into my friends at the door. Today, was the day they were leaving for Christmas break. Almost everyone else had already left and I would soon be alone. They must have seen the sad look on my face, because Hermione tried again to convince me to come with them to the Burrow.

It’s not that I didn’t want to go; I just didn’t want to risk being seen. Voldemort has many connections I don’t know about. If even one person thinks they saw me, he would be on me and my friends in a flash and I couldn’t do that to them. But, when I looked up to say no, I saw Hermione giving me the look. I felt my resolve start to melt away. Oh well, what was the likelihood that someone would see me. We were just going to the Burrow, anyway. They must have seen the change in my expression, because they all started to smile at the same time.

“Well,” I began. “I suppose I should go pack my things.” Hermione immediately volunteered to help and practically dragged me up the stairs.


Once we had all piled in the car, Mr. Weasley turned around and told us something that made my blood run cold.

“Before we go to the Burrow I need to run into Diagon Alley for some Ministry business.”
No one must have noticed my look of terror, because everyone said it was fine. I racked my brain for an excuse not to go, but came up empty handed. Maybe, if I keep my hood up no one will notice me. I looked out the window and noticed it was beginning to rain. Good, no one will think me odd for having my hood up.


I followed my father through the shops obediently. Being himself, he had completely forgotten to get presents for his family. Lately, he was completely preoccupied with work. I looked up and noticed he was staring at something with wide eyes. I followed his gaze and saw a girl in a black cloak walking into the nearest shop. A sudden gust of wind blew back her hood to reveal … Anissa. Why would my dad be interested in her? I looked back at him.

My father seemed to be thinking hard. Like he was unsure. He turned to look at me and frowned.

“It’s not polite to stare Draco.”


I pulled my suitcase out of the trunk and followed everyone into the house. I fell in love with the place instantly. It had a cozy feel to it. As soon as we crossed the threshold, a plump red haired woman came bustling into the room.

“Harry dear! So nice to see you again.” She pulled Harry into a bone-crushing hug. Ron was next, followed by Hermione and Ron’s dad. She then turned to me.

“And who is this,” she said, looking up at me.

“My name is Ka-Anissa,” I replied, mentally cursing myself over the slip-up. She smiled at me and I braced myself. She pulled me into a rib-breaking hug. She pulled back and smiled at the rest of the room.

“Hermione and Anissa will share a room. Harry, you will be in Ron’s room like always.” She turned and walked back into the kitchen, leaving us to unpack.

Ron turned to me and apologized before leading Harry to his room. I followed Hermione to the guest room. After, we unpacked, we walked into the living room where the entire family had gathered. The rest of the night was spent laughing and sharing funny stories. I hauled myself to bed at about midnight.

My last conscious thought was about how cute Fred’s smile was.
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