Status: Look For The Sequal. Coming Soon.

Secrets Together Make Strange Weather

Tidal Waves

Dymtrus was sprawled out on the floor in front of Alden’s giant, maroon colored, velvet couch while Alden read layed on the couch, reading a book, and stroked Dymtrus’ light, brown hair. Most evening like this one was quiet but this time things seemed different. Alden wasn’t himself. Dymtrus picked up a weird vibe from him every now and then but he didn’t want to say anything. He didn’t want to upset him.

Alden turned the page to his book, pausing in his stroking of the hair, the quiet rustling sound of the page being flipped was the only sound heard in Alden’s medium sized house above the book store. In these quiet moments, Dymtrus struggled with his thoughts. He hated himself whenever his mind drifted elsewhere, somewhere forbidden and wrong.

Dymtrus couldn’t help but think back to Sebastian’s attitude the first time he met Alden, the pain and fire that swirled in his eyes that quickly dispersed as they look upon Dymtrus’ happy smile. The image tugged at his heart. Any time after that, Dymtrus’ encounter with Sebastian was awkward and silent. There were no threats from Sebastian’s mouth, no discouragement meant to antagonize Dymtrus. Sebastian’s cool caramel eyes wouldn’t even rest on Dymtrus anymore. They always looked passed him or darted around the room. Dymtrus wanted so bad to just forget about Sebastian, telling himself that he found someone so much better than him and was gay and liked him back. It never worked.

“What are you thinking about?” Alden asked, breaking the silence.

Dymtrus noticed that Alden had set his book down and was leaning over the couch to get a better look of him with a concerned face. Dymtrus shrugged and replied, “Nothing really.”

“Don’t try that with me,” Alden said. “You get this shrunken face about you when you space out.”

“I do not,” Dymtrus said, sitting up and feeling his face.

Alden laughed out and said, “It’s not un ugly shrunken face. Trust me.”

Dymtrus narrowed his eyes at Alden, lighting patting his arm with a small chuckle. “It’s nothing, Alden. Just scattered thinking right now.”

“Hm,” Alden sighed and patted Dymtrus’ head before getting up to head into the small kitchen.

Dymtrus sighed and leaned his back agains the couch. This was no fair to Alden, keeping these kinds of thoughts to himself like he is now. Alden didn’t deserve to be left in the dark but Dymtrus was more worried about what Alden might do or say to him if he hears that Dymtrus has been thinking about a man that had been nothing but cruel to him. Well, Sebastian did have his moments. Boy, did he have his moments. Especially when he’s just standing around nonchalantly without a shirt on. Or when he’s actually opening up to Dymtrus.

“Oh god,” Dymtrus said quietly to himself, face-palming. “I have to get out of here for a while.”