If This Is the End, Then Why Am I Still Living?

You and I are young, What makes it wrong for us to fall in love?

Kylah watched as Harry Potter stumbled through the doorway after a very scared Lupid told her to move. He was holding onto him, like he was dying. Was he dying? She did as she was supposed to do; Lupin let Harry drop to the couch as she saw blood rushing from his ear.

"Oh god, Harry," she said before he turned into George again. So, he was only a clone? "Fred or George?"

"George," Lupin said before the real Harry came through the door. Lupin asked him a very serious question, proving him to be the correct Harry, and let him go.

There was a lot of arguing before there was a loud crash outside. She heard a lot of questions being asked, and very skeptic sounding voices, not believing one another. Then she heard a frantic Fred, "Where's George?!"

Kylah stayed with George. She was right by the couch, kneeling in front of him. "How ya feelin?" she asked, kind of whispered. So, she was scared.

"Oh god," Fred said.

"Look Fred, I'm holey," he said, with a small smile.

"What?" Fred asked, full of concern.

"I'm holey!" he said, with a small smirk. A potion was downed by him to help stop the pain that was probably inevitable, and rags and bandages were conjured and Kylah crouched by him on the couch, pressing a rag to the hole whilst holding one of his hands for comfort.

"How did you even lose an ear anyway?" Kylah inquired.

"Cursed it off."

"And you said it was too dangerous for me?" she muttered, a bit irritated, "It was too dangerous for you two too."

"Were you worried?" Fred teased and Kylah shook her head, letting a few locks of black hair fall into her face to cover a possible blush.


"Oh you were."

"George, sit up," Kylah said, holding the bandages and he obliged. She wrapped it around his head, after releasing his hand and it bled through almost immediately, so she wrapped it a bit tighter. He slumped down suddenly though, his breathing soft.

"What's wrong with him?" Fred asked, alarm rising in his voice.

"He's asleep," she responded, resting a rag on the blood pool, "From the potion probably," she sighed, standing up, "So...now what?"

"What now?" Fred asked. "Well, you did say I get action if I came back alive." He smirked then.

"I said maybe," she said, her bangs covering one of her piercing blue eyes. A smirk had formed on her own lips.

"How could you deny me? I'm devilishly handsome," he said. He stared at the pool of blood against the rag on George's ear, and he winced. He could feel his brother's pain, sort of like twin telepathy. His hand rose to his own ear.

"Don't tell me your ear is gonna fall off too, Fred." She stood up from her seat on the couch next to George. She felt bad for leaving his side, but she had to sleep somewhere. The couch was too small for sharing. So, she was forced to sleep in the twin's room, even though she's done it multiple times.

She moved closer to him, and he grabbed her waist. "No, but it got you to come closer to me." She tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he held on too tight.

"Stop itttt," she said.

"Make me." It was his usual retort to her 'stops.' "You have to sleep in my room anyway."

Kylah honestly didn't mind the fact that they majorly flirted. It was something like a comfort zone. George would always tell her he liked her, but she would never accept it. She didn't know whether she liked him or not, and simple flirting made things just so much more simple to deal with things.

He was her best friend, but she'd heard the best relationships came out of being best friends. She shook her head, her mass of wavy black hair falling into her face, and into Fred's too. She smiled then, because he let go and she ran up the winding stair case and into the twin's room, locking the door.

"Ky, let me in," Fred said.

"Make me," she imitated him. But then, he apparated into the room, and tackled her to the bed.

"I think I made you."

"You cheated," she said simply, looking up at him as her face flushed. It was times like these that she really thought she liked him, but at the same time, she knew this was all part of this twisted game that they played. They were more touchy feely than most friends, but Kylah didn't mind. In fact, she didn't mind at all.

"I did not," he said defiantly, a smirk plastered on his face. For being someone who just went through something dangerous and witnessed his twin suffering, he seemed to be in a more than pleasant mood. She did too, but a sense of awkwardness crossed her mind as she noticed the surroundings.

"Yes you did!" she said accusingly.




"You cheated. I didn't let you in, you just barged in!"

"Kylah, this is my room," he stated simply, "And you locked the door."


"I'm certain you did. And it’s still locked."

"No, it's not. I don't know what you're talking about," Kylah said, swiftly taking out her wand and swishing it at the door, unlocking it. "Look for yourself."

Fred look to the door, and noticed the door unlocked. "You just did that."

"Admit you cheated. The door was always unlocked," she said, smirking. She tried to wriggle her wrists free from Fred's grasp.

"Fine. I cheated," he said, pouting. "Are you happy?"

Ky nodded with a smile on her face. "I win. Now get off me, or I'll sleep in your bed."

"Is that supposed to be a problem?"

"Ugh," she said. She rolled her eyes and saw his smirk. "If you want me to sleep in your bed, tell me now."

"I want you to sleep in my bed."

"Well, you should've just told me to get off -" Kylah said, before realizing what he said. "Wait, what?"

"I want you here," he said. Her face flushed, and she turned away from him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter one up and running! The lyrics that we're gonna use for the titles is called Young by The Summer Set, go listen to it! <3

But, yeah. comments make us post faster! We do have most of this written down. So, comment and subscribe all you silent people. Please? Feedback is good. We wanna know what you think about this story and how we can make it better!
