Near to You.


They weren't a couple, there was no boyfriend or girlfriend label given but what they were, was perfect. 
Maybe it was the loving way that Matt and her danced in the moonlight by the pool or the serene drive home that made Asher changer her views toward Matt. Maybe it was the way they kissed in the middle of her living room, with only the Christmas lights on or the way he held her hand as he left late at night. 

"So you're dating?" Gena grinned as Zack, Matt, and her stood around Zacky's kitchen, beers in hand. 
"No, we haven't really talked about it." Matt rubbed his forehead and pressed the glass bottle to his lips. 
"So, you just hooked up?" Zack asked and kicked his feet onto the table. 
"That's so high school," Gena giggled and pushed his feet from the counter top. "Just talk to her about it but don't ask her to be your girlfriend. Girls hate that, it's so cheesy." 
"Hey!" Zacky huffed. "I asked you to be my girlfriend!" 
"I never said it was cute!" Gena laughed and kissed her boyfriends lips passionately. 
"Guys, I have this plan," Matt started, finally making operation forgiveness roar to life. "I'm gonna need both of your guys help and everyone to be at my house on Christmas eve." He began. 

Returning from the bar, after an evening of performing, Asher was beat. She kicked off her shoes, tore off her jeans, and laid out on the couch, before turning on a rerun of Arrested Development. Her head was hurting from all the thinking she had been doing. Was kissing Matt wrong? Why hadn't he called? Was he just using her? 
Ashers thoughts were interrupted by an annoying knock on the front door. She groaned, rolled off the leather couch, and stumbled to her door. It was like he felt her needing him. Matt stood before her in all his glory; a backwards hat, aviators, and faded Metallica shirt. 
"Hey," He smiled softly and pulled her into a warm hug. "You look tired, should I come back another time?" 
"No, no, come in." Asher shut the door behind him and followed him to the couch. She felt two strong arms pulled her onto of him. She rested her head against his shoulder and breathed in his scent. This was so wrong but so right. 
"Tell me," He whispered in her ear. His voice husky and jagged. "Tell me something nobody knows." Asher froze. She wasn't about to tell him something like that, what if he used it against her later on? 
Matt trailed his callused fingers under the fabric of her shirt and pressed his lips against her neck. "I won't hurt you." He reassured her, almost as if he was reading her mind. "I'll never hurt you again." 
Asher sucked in her lower lip and breathed heavy. She pushed her self from the couch and wandered into her bedroom, searching the bookshelves for something only she ever knew about. 
"It's a dream book," She spoke barely audible. "I've had it since I was 12." She admitted and placed a thick pink scrap book on Matts lap. "It has pictures, journal entries, goals, whatever I want to put in it." 
Matt nodded silently, flipping the book open to the middle. The page was decorated like a party and he could tell a teenage Asher made it. Pink ballon stickers were the boarder and streamers rolled down beneath them. "It was my dream prom." Asher mumbled. Matt glanced up at her and brought his hand up to her cheek, caressing it for a moment before returning to the book. "That," She pointed to the rather large picture of a dress. "That is and will always be my dream dress." She sighed and ran a hand through her messy blond locks. "I remember when I was seven and my mom and I went out shopping. That dress was in the window, hanging beautifully on a mannequin and I knew right then and there that I had to have it. I waited and wait to grow into it, watching the store religiously to make sure they never stopped selling it, till one day, when I finally thought I was formed enough to fill it out, it was gone. The store was gone." Asher paused. She felt a hand slither over hers and a thumb rub small, comforting circles. "It was so symbolic." She laughed and rubbed her tired eyes. "I'm talking nonsense," She smirked and shook her head. 
"You're not talking nonsense."Matt said strongly, his hazel eyes boring holes into Ashers oceans. "Tell me more." 
She breathed and flipped a few pages. "I've always wanted a dog," She bit her lower lip. "A husky or a lab."
"You should meet Bella, my child." He joked and wrapped an arm around Ashers shoulder. 
Matt sat with Asher all night, listening to every story, every goal, and every dream she had planned out in that pink scrap book. It was such a perfect night for both of them, all they needed was that. 
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't really like this one. The next chapter is the best because Matts surprise is coming! Also because it's the Christmas special. :D

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