A Soldier's Moon

Tonight, We'll Be Closer

The moon is bright tonight; the only thing visible in the sky through the smoke of the nearby battle that recently passed. The stars are absent from sight.

I made it through that battle alive with minor scrapes. I don't know if I'll continue to be so lucky. I pray to God every night and ask him to keep me safe for another twenty-four hours so that I can one day soon return to my twelve-year-old daughter who waits for me in Roselle. The only contact we have most of the time is Facebook when I'm at a base.

I stare at the moon; she looks close tonight, as if I can reach out and grab her. I take a picture and upload it on my Facebook account. I tag my daughter so she'll be more likely to see it, then I write, "Look what I found? This is for you," in the description.

If the moon can appear so close while remaining so far, maybe my daughter can, too.
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What did she do after she looked at the screen and saw it? She swallowed her tears until we left, then stared at it all night. Just thought you'd like to know.