Status: Finished. No sequel.

Living On A Prayer


Jane yawned as she walked down the dark hall at two in the morning. Hearing cursing she sighed and made her way to the living room. If someone was breaking in, they weren’t very smart. Jane flipped on the living room light and let out a gasp.

“Brian, what are you doing here?” He glanced up and gave her a sheepish smile.

“I’m guessing Isaac and Sam didn’t say anything?” Brian asked running his hand through his hair.

“No not at all, but Eloise will be so happy when she wakes up.” Jane gushed and pulled Brian into a hug. He let out a quiet laugh and hugged her back. “Now go in there and get some sleep mister, she’s been having a tough time while you were gone.”

Brian pulled away with his eyes wide. “Is something wrong? Did something happen to James?”

“Oh no, no Brian calm down.” Jane reassured him out when she saw how panicked he was becoming. “No it’s just James is going through his separation anxiety stage. So it’s been a little hard on Eloise because she feels guilty leaving him, even if she’s just in the next room over.”

“When did this start?” Brian asked quietly knowing that his girlfriend was probably a wreck.

“A day or two after you left for tour,”

“Thanks for telling me Jane.”

“It’s no problem, now go in there, and just curl up to her. James is in her bed with her so don’t squish my grandbaby.” Jane told him as turned off the living room light and guided him to Eloise’s room. “Goodnight Brian,”

“Night Jane.” Brian quietly made his way into the room. He slipped his flip flops off; happy he changed at home first then came here. Slipping under the blankets, Brian carefully leaned over taking the cup from James and put it on the bedside table. He placed a kiss on the top of James’ head before he looked down at his girlfriend. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he snuggled closely to her and placed a kiss on her neck.

Eloise let out a muffled groan as she buried her face into the warm pillow. Pulling away in confusion, Eloise opened her eyes and let out a gasp seeing a tattooed chest at her eyesight. Looking up she studied the strong jaw and angular cheekbones. Willing herself not to cry, Eloise curled into Brian’s body, his arms tightened around her. Feeling a slight pressure on the top of her head, Eloise glanced up to see Brian smiling at her.

“Morning babe,” Brian leaned down capturing her lips giving her a soft kiss remembering James was lying in the bed still. “As much as I’d love to lay here and kiss you, but I haven’t gone to the bathroom since I landed.”

“Go to the bathroom, I have enough diapers to change.” Eloise giggled as Brian climbed out the bed pulling his tee shirt on over his head. Brian flashed a smile at Eloise as he left the room. Eloise rolled over seeing James was yawning and stretched his arms out. “Morning baby boy,”

Eloise lifted James up letting him curl into her chest. Eloise rubbed James back as he slowly woke up. Glancing over she saw Brian walk back into the room. Brian slipped onto the bed and picked James up off of Eloise.

“No . . .” James mumbled reaching for Eloise. Brian let out chuckle as he adjusts James in his arms.

“Hey little bud,” Brian said rubbing James cheek. Eloise laughed as James looked up at Brian and let out a squeal of happiness. Brian kissed the top of his head and let out a laugh as James fisted his shirt. “Someone missed me I guess,”

“Oh you have no idea.” Eloise mumbled as she stretched. Seeing James curled into to Brian made her smile.

“I’m going to change his diaper; you go do your morning stuff.” Brian suggested standing up with James. He noticed the uncertainty in Eloise eyes. “Don’t worry about him alright?” Brian left the room before she could say anything. He placed James on the changing table giving the little guy a smile. “You need to be good for your mama,”

Eloise leaned against the doorframe watching Brian interact with James. She was amazed James wasn’t crying for her, and relieved. Brian picked up James letting him curl into him, he smiled noticing Eloise was observing them. He walked up to her giving her light kiss.

“I’m surprised that he didn’t cry when I was out of sight.” Eloise said rubbing James back while James pulled on some of Brian’s hair.

“Maybe he’ll be better now that I’m home?” Sighing Eloise shrugged as they made their way to the kitchen where her parents already were.

“Mornin kids.” Isaac greeted with a smile. “How’s James doing?”

“Good, he didn’t cry when I left the room.” Eloise told them as she poured a cup of coffee for her and Brian.

“Really? Hmm maybe he just missed Brian,” Jane suggested as she saw that her grandson wouldn’t let go of Brian. “So do you two want me to whip something up for breakfast?”

“No, thanks though Jane. My parents want us to come over for breakfast.” Brian declined hoisting up James higher. “I’m going to change him before we go over.”

Eloise watched Brian leave the room bouncing her son up and down with a smile. She glanced over at her parents and saw them smiling at each other. “What are you two smiling at?”

“Nothin honey,” Isaac answered with a small chuckle.

“We’re going to the chapel and we’re gonna get married,” Jane sung as she took a seat next to her husband. Eloise groaned knowing what her parents were insinuating.

“Did I miss something?” Brian asked walking back into the room with the diaper bag rested on his shoulder. James was standing next to Brian holding onto his pant leg.

“Oh nothing,” Eloise said giving her parents a pointed look. “Well let’s not keep your parents waiting; we’ll see you guys later.” Brian waved at Eloise parents letting out a laugh as she pulled him out of the house. They walked down the street to the Haner house. Brian opened the front door hearing two different barks. Sully and Pinkly ran over to them jumping up on their legs.

Eloise set James down and took his hand leading him towards the kitchen where she knew Brian’s parents would be.

“And the son returns!” Brian Senior said as his son walked in with Eloise. “And the baby,”
James giggled as he was picked up and tickled by Brian senior.

“You just missed James,” Brian claimed as he hugged Suzy.

“Nah we had fun at the park the other day Junior, didn’t we James?” Eloise smiled as she remembered how they took James for a day while she had a meeting at school.

“Did he cry while she was gone?” Brian asked pulling Eloise down on his lap.

“Probably for about twenty minutes but then we went to the aquarium then to the park and he was happy the whole time.” Suzy told them as she set down their breakfast plates.

“Yeah if you two kids want to spend just some time together just tell us and we’ll watch the little.”

“Thanks dad . . . actually in early September I think, Benji and Joel are having a party thing and I thought El and I would go.” Brian told them glancing at Eloise to see that she was just eating a piece of bacon.

“Sure that’s fine Junior, as long as it’s okay with you Eloise.” Brian Senior told him as he set James on the floor to play with the dogs.

“Yeah that’s fine with me, thank you.”

“So kids, James has a birthday coming up right?” Suzy asked taking a seat next to her husband. Eloise nodded finishing her food. Brian tightened his arm around her waist but kept his eyes on James.

“The day of his birthday we’re just doing a family thing at my parent’s house, which you guys are invited to. Then the next day I guess Brian planned a big party for him at his house.” Eloise informed them.

“Really now?” Brian’s dad crossed his arms over his chest with a smirk.

“Yeah dad, which you guys can come to if you want. It’s just a bunch of our friends and the DCMA family and some of them are bringing their kids who are the same age or around the same as James.”

“Well that’s very good of you Junior.” Suzy praised with a smile. He shot a big smile then looked back at James who was now trying to climb up on their lap. Suzy glanced over at her husband with a knowing smile. Brian senior looked over at Suzy and smirked. He knew how they felt about each other but was waiting for them to realize it while he watched Junior interacted with a baby who wasn’t his child.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I would've posted this yesterday but...I was in a pretty bad mood so...yeah...
But then I just remember thursday night and that helps >.< if you follow my tumblr then you'd understand.

Anyways. Thanks to all readers/subscribers (hello new ones)/commenters

Thank you guys again. Love ya!