Status: Finished. No sequel.

Living On A Prayer


Brian groaned as the alarm went off, signaling it was six in the morning. He quickly shut it off so it didn’t wake up Eloise. She only had one week of work left, today being Friday, he knew it’d be a relatively easy day for her. Brian leaned over and kissed her cheek and rubbed her swollen belly. The taunt skin tightened under his hand tightened for a few seconds then relaxed. Climbing out of the bed, he shook his head, still wondering how she slept through the Braxton Hicks contracts. He knew that the baby could come anytime now since her due date was only two weeks away. At their last doctor’s appointment they had been told Eloise was already dilated to one and fully effaced. Confused by what the doctor had meant, Brian questioned if that meant the baby was coming now.

He got a good laugh from his wife and her doctor. They explained to him how it took longer for the cervix to become effaced, not dilated. Still confused, they further explain that effacement was when the cervix thinned out, almost nonexistent and the dilation was the opening of the cervix. Brian shook his head getting rid of the worries of her going into labor at any moment. Since it was getting closer to her due date and it was getting harder for her to sleep, Brian had been making it so she’d sleep in longer before work. He got up earlier to take care of James and take her to work. He felt bad when he got back from tour the week before and saw how much she was doing. Luckily management didn’t book any more tours so far.

Brian finished his morning routine and pulled on some sweat pants before he made his way down the hall to James’ room. Brian pushed open the door and chuckled as Pinkly made her way out from under James’ crib. He rolled his eyes as he followed his dog downstairs to let her outside. Brian had come to notice that since he got home, Pinkly had taken to sleeping either next to the crib or under it. He saw that Eloise had put one of the dog beds in there for her. Brian let her back inside and watched as she bolted back up the stairs. He quickly made his way back to James’ room and gently picked him up. Pinkly jumped at Brian’s legs as he walked towards his room and set him down next to his mom and then picked up Pinkly and set her on the bed.

Taking advantage of James falling back asleep, Brian quickly got himself showered and his hair dried. After he dressed, he glanced over to see Eloise had James rested against her chest. He let out a deep breath, trying to get rid of the thoughts that had been plaguing his mind since he got home. It had been hot for Eloise at night so she had taken to falling asleep in just a pair of underwear and a light sheet covering them. Brian went over and brushed some of the hair out of his wife’s face and rubbed her back.

“Ellie, time to get up.” All he heard was his wife let out a groan. Eloise looked over her shoulder with sleepy eyes to see her husband standing there. “How are you feeling?”

“Sleepy,” She mumbled while rubbing her eyes. “But otherwise I feel okay.”

“Good enough to go to work?” He asked as she stretched her muscles.

“Yes Brian. I’ve only had two contractions in the past twenty four hours, nothing is going to happen.” She told him as she sat up, careful not to wake up James. Brian helped her out of the bed then watched as she made her way into the bathroom.

“Alright James, time to really wake up.” Brian mumbled as he picked up his son. The finalized adoption papers had come in the mail three days ago making him legally a Haner. Brian made his way downstairs to start breakfast and make lunch for Eloise to take to work. He set him down in the play pin knowing he wouldn’t wake up.

Eloise made her way slowly down the stairs, one hand under her belly. She wasn’t looking forward going to work with swollen ankles and feet but she knew that wasn’t a good enough reason to stay home. She smiled as she saw Brian set out breakfast on the island bar. Eloise noticed James was still in the play pin asleep, Pinkly laying underneath it. She sat down and slowly ate her food while Brian cleaned up the dishes he used. Eloise was surprised at how much he was doing around the house since he got home. He was doing things she usually did, not that she was complaining since she was tired and nearly nine months pregnant.

“You ready to go?” Brain asked once she was done eating.

“Yeah just let me go to the bathroom first,” He nodded as he took her plate and put it in the sink. He quickly grabbed James and her things and took them out to the car. Brian had moved everything to the Escalade, so they have two car seats in it now instead of just one. Brian remembered the plan Eloise had gone over with him. Matt and Val would take James for them while they’d be at the birthing center so their parents could come.

“Ready?” He asked locking the front door behind him. Eloise rolled her eyes and climbed into the vehicle. She knew Brian was just being nice but she got tired of him asking her constantly how she was feeling. “So if you st—”

“Brian,” Eloise cut off giving him a look. “You know if something happens, which it won’t, I’ll call you or the school will or McKenna will. They all know the plan and so does the nurse. Stop worrying. Go home and play with James, go see your parents, go swimming. Do something.” Eloise told him sternly.

“Okay,” Brian answered quietly, feeling like a child that just got in trouble. Eloise leaned over and gave him a kiss.

“I love you but you’re driving me crazy.”

“Love you too,” He told her with a smile, kissing her one last time before she got out and made her way to the school. Eloise made her way through the office greeting everybody and checking her box before getting to her classroom.

“Hi Mrs. Haner!” A few the kids called out, waving at her. Eloise waved back as she unlocked her classroom door. She always left her door open for kids to come in and ask questions, especially since they were going over their study guide for the final.

As the day went on, Eloise found herself sitting more than standing. She knew that some of her students were worried that she was going to go into labor at any minute. Eloise felt another contraction ripple through her as she talked to the class. She counted in her how long they were lasting. She was happy that they were only coming a couple times an hour and not ever few minutes. When the final bell rang, Eloise let out a relieved sigh.

“El, are you okay?” McKenna asked coming into her class.

“I’m fine Kenna, why?”

“Because kids said you looked liked you were having contractions all day . . .” She told her quietly. Eloise just sighed and shook her head. “So?”

“I’m fine honey, is your brother here yet?” Eloise asked her sister in law. McKenna just nodded and helped Eloise carry things out to Brian’s car.

“How was school, girls?” Brian asked once they got into the Escalade. McKenna kept quiet about the contractions that Eloise was having. “We’ll see you later monster!” Brian called out at she got out of the vehicle and made her way to the house. Brian looked over at his wife and frowned. “How far apart?”

“What?” Eloise asked confused as she rubbed her stomach.

“You look like you’re in pain, so how far apart?” He asked again as they pulled into the drive way. He got out of the car and grabbed James from the back and then helped his wife out. “Ellie,”

“They’re lasting around a minute to three, but only every eleven or so minutes.” She told him once they got inside. “I’m going to go take a bath, okay?”

“Alright just holler if you need something.” Brian watched as she walked up the stairs. He shook his head and took James into the living room. “Guess we’ll just watch Yo Gabba Gabba and wait for your mommy.” Brian held James on his lap as they watched a few of the recorded episodes they had of the show. Brian glanced over his shoulder and saw Eloise walking in wearing some sweats and a tank top about forty five minutes later.

“Where’s the labor ball?”

“In the closet,” Brian answered as he set James on the couch. He watched as Eloise brought the ball into the living room and sat on the ball. “They get closer?”

“Yes, now they’re coming ever six minutes for about two minutes.”

“Okay, when do you want to go to the birthing center?”

“Either when my water breaks or when I’m three, one, and one.” Brian sat there quietly trying to remember what the birthing teacher had to explained to him. Three, one, and one. Contractions last for three minutes, every minute, for an hour.

“Do you need anything?” He asked not knowing really what to do. Eloise just shook her head and concentrated on her breathing patterns. “So should I call Matt and tell him I can’t go down to L.A. for the radio thing tonight?”

“Yes, please.” Brian nodded and got off the couch to get his phone. He sent off a text to Matt explaining everything.

“Matt said just to call Val when we need her to take James.” Brian told her as he sat back down. Eloise just nodded. “Are you having back pains?”

“No, just in the front.” Eloise answered as the last one passed. “Can you call our doctor though and let her know what’s going on?”

“Sure thing,” Brian held his nerves as he called the doctors. This was real, he knew, he’d be a father soon.
♠ ♠ ♠
There's official four chapters plus an epilogue left.
and I believe July 28 will be when the epilogue is posted. Making that the last post for this story. But I do have two other stories I am working on.

You Belong With Me. A Zacky story.
and If I Knew Then. A Matt story.

Those I will start posting when I get back from vacation so around July 25.

Thanks to all readers/subs/commenters

Love ya!

oh and Baby next chapter!