Status: New Story! Tell me if you like it!

Never Look Back (previously my ex moved in next door)

Aaliyah was seventeen when she gave birth to Calista and Axel. Her boyfriend, Logan, left her,a and her aunt kicked her out of the house. She moved in with her sister, and now two years later, Logan has moved into the house next door with his parents. Liyah never stopped loving him. But will he love her when he sees the two kids who look exactly like him and nothing like her at her side?
Aaliyah Ember Siverstein (Ah-ly-ya)
Age: 19
Gave birth to set of twins at seventeen. Lives with her sister, plays the guitar, and works at Starbucks.
Calista Amber Silverstein
Age: 2
Axel Lyle Silverstein
Age: 2
Christina Abel Silverstein
Logan Alex DeCoursaint
Age: 20