Through Their Eyes.

4: Andrew.

As we drove on, playing our random game of chance with turns, I couldn't help but fantasize about all that we had to look forward to. I thought about the numerous kisses which would suck the breath from me, planted on my lips by the beautiful angel whom I loved so much. I couldn't help but smile just being in her presence. A few times, even the name, "Natasha," slipped from my lips with no particular reason. Alas, with all of the perfection which seemed to envelope our lives, some malign force was determined to ruin it.

As we entered the urban area, we disappointedly found an array of emergency vehicles which I suspect were there for the same reason that Natasha's day was impeded upon. I stares mystified, clueless as to what could possibly be happening. We were both uninformed, and I suspected that it was that way for a reason.

"So much for that idea." I said to her.

"We could turn around and look somewhere else," she replied.

"Yep," I said, turning around, and with that, we were off again.

The sun was setting, as the sky dipped into the deeper hues, a short-lived beauty which seemed to always go unappreciated. I turned on my headlights, and stifled a yawn, as we drove on back through the rural areas. Back to the evils which clumsily lurked about.
As we drove on further, the beautiful colors progressively filled the color spectrum, and faded, until they all had faded into blackness. Her presence there seemed to give me a solace like none other, as I wondered what she might be thinking. Maybe she was wondering the same about me. An eerie figure came into view, showing to be three eerie figures, all crouching in the middle of the road. I instinctively slowed, a lurching feeling in my gut, flashing back in memories to the figure we had seen earlier that day. They were no different, decomposing skin, pale gray coloring, patchy hair, and horrid looking openings showing a glossy layer of red, where the inner workings under the flesh was showing. I had suddenly come to a complete stop, seemingly unnoticed by the group of villains before us. On the road before them, lay another man, a normal man. Normal, excluding the fact that he was not in fact living, or at least I assumed, seeing as how large chunks of flesh lay exposed, tattered fragments of cloth scattered around him.

I jumped as I heard a squeal emit from Natasha, who was so horrified, not even the words "Oh my god" could escape from her mouth.

"Call the police," I said, quietly, as if they could hear us. She obediently dug her phone from her pocket, and hit redial, automatically calling the police department once again. That's ominous, I thought to myself, thinking about the disturbing idea of this concept. A look of horror swept her face, and I immediately knew, once again, her call wouldn't connect. All hope sunk within me, and I questioned the reality of the situation, hoping it to be only a nightmare. I looked back out the window, only to remember I had the lights off. All that greeted my eyes was pitch black. I turned the knob on the side of the steering wheel to turn them back on once more. That's when the adrenaline truly started flowing.

No more than twenty feet away from the car, were three deranged beings, with blood-soaked clothing, gaping ulcers, and horrid faces, slowly and clumsily making their way toward us. I remained frozen in fear for a second, before I unconsciously slammed on the brake, frantically shifted into reverse, then stomped on the gas. We both lurched forward with tremendous force, as inertia's half-second delay kicked in. The engine whined, and I immediately stepped on the brakes, this time burrowing us into our seats. I slammed the car into drive and quickly made a U-turn, speeding away from the trio of monsters.

I looked over to Natasha, frightened, half afraid she wouldn't even be there, that I would be lost in a hellish dimension left to be destroyed by psychopaths craving to rip me apart. She sat there motionless, terrified, and in despair. I remembered our goal. To find an abode to take solace in. I was so frightened, as was she, that not even a ten inch steel walled bunker could give us peace-of-mind, and unfortunately the best we could find was a beat up motel. As we walked into our room, elevated one floor from the ground by an external staircase, a sense of some security swept over me, and I squeezed her soft hand which was in mine.

Like most of the time after that incident, silence was all that filled the gap between us. I longed so much to just hold her so tightly, and then I realized I could. I closed the door, and turned her towards me, unclasping my hand from hers, so I could wrap my arms tightly around her, soaking up all of her embrace I could, like a child collecting candy from a freshly burst piƱata. I squeezed her tight, and she squeezed back, it seemed that until we were physically in the same space, we wouldn't be able to reach that full security we both longed for. She rested her head in my shoulder, as if hiding from all that had happened that day. I rested my head upon hers, and for that unknown period of time, all was tranquil. All that passed through my mind was "Natasha," obliterating all other fears. Eventually our grip upon each other loosened, until our hands slid down each other's arms, once again reuniting them. As I looked into her beautiful eyes, and her precious face, I couldn't resist but to kiss her, with a passion that seemed to free the both of us once more, as we sank back into each other's embrace. I could feel the warmth she gave me radiating inside of me like a nuclear reactor. My passion for her seemed to intensify, as I purged it into my kisses, an endless supply of pure love which I slowly transferred to her. Even in that time of fear and horror, we seemed apart from the world. We made up our own reality with only the two of us, and the ground we stood on. A grimy motel is definitely not the most romantic place on earth, but as we locked our lips together in that room, it felt like it very well could have been.

As we laid down in the cold bed that night, we squeezed together to share our warmth, but also each other's touch. Not forgetful of the events of that day, we couldn't help but cling to one another with our dear lives, desperately trying not to be separated even for a moment, or pandemonium would break loose in our worlds. This never changed.