

Alex sat at the small kitchen table, head on her arms. For the past few nights, sleeping had not come easy--it was nearly impossible. It was still dark out as she sat there, wondering what was wrong with her.

Suddenly she felt hands on her shoulders. “Alex…”

She groaned. “Charlie.”

She lifted her head and found her fiancé looking at her. “What’s wrong? This is the third night in a row that you have been up. We’ve already found that Harry’s okay, my family is fine, and everything is back to normal now that Voldemort is gone. Are you sick?”

She shrugged. “At this point I have no idea. What’s wrong with me, Charlie?”

He sighed. “Nothing. You’re perfect. Please come back to bed.”

She hesitated, but let him guide her back to their bed. When they were snug under their covers, he placed his arm around her in a means of protection. She knew he was worried about her. He had been ever since she had discovered her new, special powers.

These powers weren’t normal. She could do more than the average wizard. She was able to create a force field that could repel even the strongest of things, and she was also able to bring people back from the dead in their original form (though it would weaken her greatly). She knew for sure that her force field worked, but Charlie insisted she not try the latter of the two.

She laid in bed and listened to his soft, rhythmic breathing. She sighed quietly, shutting her eyes in hopes of getting some sleep. However, the visions of things she could not make out swam in her brain and she continued to lay there for many hours.

But when Charlie woke up, she neglected to mention anything. “Did you get any sleep last night?”

She smiled. “Yes. I felt better after you brought me back to bed.” She lied.

He hesitated, but ended up believing it. “We have to go. We will be late if we don’t hurry.”

They rushed off to get to work and Charlie kept a close eye on her all day. A few hours later, he noticed that she was a bit off. “Are you okay?”

She nodded. “I’m fine.”

But as the day went on he knew something was up. Finally, she looked up at him. “Charlie…”

He caught her just as she passed out.