
Confrontation Pt. 1

It was easy for Alex to apparate into the Ministry. It was even easy for her to find the room she needed, even if it was hidden. She had fought there before, the first time Fudge had realized Voldemort had returned. It was also the night they had lost Sirius.

She ran as fast as she could and finally she was in. The room was dark, and empty. Ever since that battle with the Death Eaters, many of the prophecies had either been destroyed or moved to a safer location. Because of this, the seemingly never-ending room was empty. Alex looked around, in hopes of gaining the upper hand, yet she had a gut feeling that no matter how hard she looked, she was truly at the mercy of Demetria and her servants.

Suddenly she heard the familiar cackling noise and black smoke started to appear…they were apparating. She stood her ground firmly, and readied herself for a fight. Then she appeared.


She smiled wickedly. Her long dark hair was messy, and her black dress looked about fifty years old. She walked closer to Alex, yet Alex backed away.

“Alexandra. We finally meet.”

Alex stared at her, while also trying to keep a handle on the Death Eaters that surrounded her.

“You came alone?” There was a pause. “I was so hoping to have some fun with you lot tonight. No matter…looks like this will be easy.”

Alex’s heart was beating faster in her chest and she knew that coming here to face her alone was a suicide mission, but she couldn’t help it. She could not let anyone else die after having that joy return to them. She didn’t know how this fight was going to turn out, but she did know one thing for sure--if she went down, she was bringing Demetria with her. It was as simple as that.

“They couldn’t make it. But that doesn’t matter, because I can kill you myself.” Alex taunted.

Demetria looked back at her. “How dare you speak to me like that?”

Alex continued to stare her down. “I can speak to you however I bloody want.”

Suddenly Alex was filled with pain. She knew a spell had hit her from behind and she rethought her idea of coming alone.

“Fools! I am going to be the one to kill her! Don’t harm her!” Demetria’s shrill voice shouted.

Alex, although in pain, struggled to get off of the ground. She knew that she had to face Demetria and soon…otherwise it would truly be the end of peace in their world.

“You see that is your problem. You are too much like your husband. He wouldn’t accept help either. Why don’t you ask him what the consequences were?” she waited a beat. “Oh wait…you can’t. My brother killed him.”

She became completely enraged by this last statement and Alex had to think fast to deflect the spell that was cast directly at her. Demetria’s anger was suddenly off the charts and Alex knew her comment had started the battle.

It seemed to last for hours as Death Eaters, in their black cloaks, stood around them waiting for their mistress to kill her. However, Alex was not going down without a fight. She did not walk into this only to die within the first few blows.

“Stupefy!” Alex shouted and it knocked the foul woman back a few feet.

As she stumbled, Alex sent another curse her way and for a moment her mind flashed to another situation. She realized that, even if she did succeed and kill Demetria, she would have an even bigger problem on her hands…she was alone, and surrounded by angry Death Eaters.

Silently cursing herself for stupidity, she sent more spells at the woman, who was now back and fighting.

Demetria cackled once more. “Crucio!”

It hit Alex in the arm and she screamed in pain. However, she knew that if she writhed for too long, she would end up worse than tortured. Standing again, she faced her enemy.

“Expelliarmus!” She shouted but he curse missed.

“Avada Kedavra!” Both women shouted at the same time.

A bright light filled the room as the curses flew and suddenly there were multiple banging sounds and all Hell broke loose.