Sequel: Illicit Estrangement
Status: updated! completed.

Over Dramatic Denial

Final Chapter: Part two


Callum groaned softly as the rope tied around his wrists burned against his skin, he tasted blood in his mouth that was trickling down from the large gash in his forehead.

Where the hell was he?

“Finally joined us huh?” a voice asked him, he recognised it but in his concussed state he was unable to figure it out. It was a girl, dressed head to toe in black, she was tall and slim but her head was covered and he couldn’t make out her face or her hair colour.

“What’s happening? Why am I tied to a concrete block?” he demanded. “Who, the fuck are you?”

“All will be revealed in due time my dear,” she said calmly, striding over to him she cupped his face with her hands, and kissed him when she pulled away from him a guy raced up and punched him square in the stomach, he yelped in pain.

“You know I really hate to do this to you, Cal.” she told him in a sickly sweet voice that made him want to vomit. “But you really brought it upon yourself you know...”

“What the hell are you talking about!?” he yelled at her, just as the guy punched him again, this time in jaw, he could feel that several teeth had broken on the impact of the punch and he spat them out in the girl’s direction, along with the blood that had formed in his mouth.

“I think you know I mean you are in love with her after all…”

Just then a light bulb switched on in Callum’s head, this person must be connected to Kate somehow but whom?

“What does Kate have to do with this?” he said his voice barely audible, his jaw hurt like hell.
“Ah…we have caught on…” she said, pulling away the mask that covered her face, Callum mouth dropped open in horror as she revealed herself…..

Kostja sat uncomfortably in Bill’s room, he had begun to find it quite difficult not to blurt out what had happened, but Jess was watching him like a hawk and it made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

“What?” he snapped at her irritably, crossing his arms and scowling slightly.

“Nothing.” She replied coolly, but she did not shift her gaze.

“Do I detect a bit of hostility here?” Bill asked, his voice bursting into Kostja’s thoughts.

“I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about, Bill.” Kostja replied snottily, Bill exchanged glances with the others, who were all trying their best not to laugh.

“Well I believe that you do know what I’m talking about my dear.” Bill said jokingly, Kostja cast a horrid stare at him, Bill sighed.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, Kostja just shrugged.

“Tell you when we leave.”

“Tell us now!” Jessica replied through clenched teeth, Gabi who had been sitting next to her looked momentarily taken aback, she didn’t know her well but she had never seen her fire up like that.

“I said I’ll tell you when we freaking leave ok!? Fuck!” he sighed, angrily and ran both his hands through his hair. “Which is when exactly?”

Nobody answered him.

“Ok we can go now.” Gustav said appearing with Bill’s papers, he stopped dead when he saw all their faces. “What happened?”

“Let’s just leave so I can tell everyone!” Kostja grunted, hoisting himself out of the chair.

“Ok, ok keep your pants on!” Bill exclaimed, hopping of the bed and grabbing Gabi’s hand.

Kostja snorted in response and slunk out the room, his hands glued firmly in his pockets, Jessica followed him out at top speed.
“What happened? Where’s Callum?” she demanded, Kostja groaned he was slowly beginning to lose his patience with her.

“Look Jess…you’re about to find out in five minutes anyway.” He told her. “When Bill, Kandy, Georg, Andreas, Gustav and all that come out ok? So in the meantime, just shut it, will you?”

She said nothing, but he could see the tears welling in her eyes and immediately felt like a bastard.

“Aw shit, don’t cry,” he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. “I didn’t mean to yell but I really need you all here before I say anything, but I can tell you he’s alive still…”

“Who’s still alive?” Bill asked perplexed.

“Guy’s….” Kostja began, “I have to tell you something…”

“What!?” they all shouted in unison.

“Callum’s been kidnapped, and it has everything to do with Kate,” he told them. “TK was sketchy on the details but we have to hurry to the underpass on Bristol Road, keep your eyes and ears peeled and for fuck’s sake, don’t call the cops.”

They all stared at him dumbstruck for a moment, but then Bill sprang into to action.

“Let’s roll!” he declared, sprinting to the van, the others quickly followed suit, Kostja grabbed Jess’s arm before she climbed in the back.

“Cal will be ok I promise.” He said, she smiled weakly at him.

“I hope you’re right Kostja.” She whispered.


“Gretchen?” Callum exclaimed in disbelief. “Holy Fuck why?”

Gretchen gave a hollow laugh and sat crossed legged in front of him, with a twisted grin on her face; it made him feel sick to his stomach.

“Let’s just think of it as way of getting back at Matthews,” she said deviously. “You know a little pay back for everything she’s done to me that bitch.”

Callum stared at her; he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Gretchen was a whore but he never imagined she was a complete psycho; he was slowly but surely beginning to fear for his life, even more so then before.

“I kidnapped you because I knew she’d come running to your aid, she wouldn’t be able to help herself.” Gretchen continued, interrupting his inner monologue.
“She should be here any minute with her handbag, Beckett. God what a complete waste of space that bastard is...”

“Geez…Gretchen flattery will get you everywhere!” Tom said appearing behind her with Kate. “Wow, you’ve put on quite a show for us haven’t you?” he asked her smiling, feeling a lot braver then he felt, Kate tightened her grip on his arm.

“Just shut up!” Gretchen spat at him, pulling a gun from her pocket, Tom immediately shot his arms in the air. “You say one more word; I’ll fucking blow your head off!” she shouted, pointing it at him.

“On your knees!” Tom obeyed immediately; Gretchen swung round and aimed the gun at Kate, who was shaking from head to toe.

“What’s the matter?” Gretchen sneered. “Are you scared bitch? Huh are you? I’m going to make sure you pay for…everything.”

Kate swallowed hard; she’d never been so terrified in all her seventeen years, why was Gretchen doing this? It made no sense to her. Gretchen was everything she wasn’t and she was under the impression that she never not, got what she wanted.

“Gretchen please-”

“Don’t fucking talk to me!” she screamed at her, putting both hands on her head. “Just shut up! I hate you, you ruined everything!” she aimed the gun at her again and Kate froze. “And now you have to die.”

“NO!” Callum and Tom both shrieked.

“SHUT UP!” Gretchen roared at them, they fell silent, Tom felt tears prick in his eyes, and he couldn’t lose Kate not now, not after everything they’d been through.

“Any last words?” Gretchen asked Kate swallowed again.

“I just want to say to Tom and to Callum, that I loved them both so much but…” she trailed off, afraid Gretchen wouldn’t let her finish.

“But what?” she yelled. “Get on with it!”

“But…Tom you have my heart,” she said looking at him with big, green eyes. “I love you, with everything I have and I really wanted you to know that.” tears welled in her eyes, as she turned back to face her nemesis and almost certain death.

“Well Gretchen, do what you got to do.”

Tom closed his eyes, he couldn’t bear to watch. He felt helpless and broken as he heard a gun shot followed by a blood curdling scream, he choked back a sob she was gone, he had lost her…forever.


Tom opened his eyes slowly and rolled over on his back, tears streaming down his cheeks, he couldn’t believe that had happened, that he had lost her the only girl he had ever really loved in his life, he felt so empty, like he’d just lost a huge piece of himself, a piece he could never get back.

“Oh, Kate, Kate!” he wailed, letting huge sobs escape him, he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder and looked to see who it was, his eyes widened in shock.

“Kate?” he whispered, not daring to believe it. “Is that really you?”

“Yeah babe, it’s really me,” she said, kissing his neck.

“But I heard a shot.”

“Gretchen shot herself dude,” Callum said, appearing next to him. “Her goons took off in a flash.”

Tom sighed and looked up at Kate, who smiled at him; he grabbed her and held her tight, planting kisses all over her face.

“I can’t believe how close I came to losing you,” he said he voice breaking slightly. “I love you so goddamn much, it’s unbelievable.”

“Ditto, Tomi.” She said, kissing him again. “Let’s get out of here.”

“What about her?” Callum asked, indicating Gretchen’s dead body.

“Tom? Kate? Callum?” they heard someone shout out. “Are you here? Are you ok?”

“We’re over here!” they all shouted out, Tom caught a glimpse of his friends sprinting towards them and smiled, as he saw their worried faces.

Jessica was in floods of tears and practically threw herself at Callum when she got near him, Gabi did the same to Kate and Kostja clapped a hand on Tom’s shoulder and ruffled his hair. They all looked round in horror when they heard Kandy and Paul scream.

“Fuck! What the hell happened here? Did you shoot her?” Paul said, standing over Gretchen’s body, Kandy clapped a hand to her mouth and Gustav put his arms around her.

“The bullet was meant for me…” Kate said in a quiet voice. “But for some reason Gretchen changed her mind and…” she trailed off, and snuggled closer to Tom, as the tears fell, It had been one of the worst days of her life and she was happy it was over.

“Bill chickened out and called the cops before we got here…” Andreas suddenly exclaimed. “They should be here any minute now.”

Tom nodded knowingly, he knew Bill would crack; he always did when it came to his friends.

“It’ll be ok, Katie.” He whispered in her ear.

“I know,” she replied in a muffled voice. “But I’m scared what if they think I shot her?”

“They won’t think that!” Callum told her, firmly. “You’ve got Tom and I to back you up.” Tom didn’t point out that he hadn’t actually seen what happened, but he knew Kate well enough to know, that she’d never hurt anyone.

“Cal’s right, we know you didn’t do it…” he said.

“Bill’s coming he’s got the constable with him.” Georg said flipping shut his phone. “Thank god you guys are alright eh?”

“You know...” Gabi said quietly. “I always knew that girl was a skank but I never imagined that she was a full blown nut job! Why do you think she did it?”

Kate sighed and turned to her friend. “I think…as difficult as it is to believe…she was simply…jealous of me.”

No one said anything further, and as the constable appeared with Bill and a couple of other officers it suddenly hit her, very few people came out of two near-death experiences, she was a extremely lucky girl and she’d been forever grateful for her third chance.

Three Months Later…

“Wake up, TK!” Kate shouted, jumping on the end of his bed.

“Wha…?” he replied from under the covers. “Not now Kate…its sleepy time.”

“You have to wake up! Kandy’s just gone into labour!” she exclaimed, ripping the covers off him, he reached out and pulled her on top of him, she giggled as he kissed her softly.

“Now, Now…” she said laughingly. “There’s no time for these intimate moments, we got to go now!” she jumped up and bounded to his chest of drawers, throwing a pair of black pants and a t-shirt at him.

“Hurry up!” she ordered. “I’ll be downstairs waiting ok?”

He nodded dumbly and got dressed; he couldn’t believe Kandy was having the baby already. So much had happened in nine months, he’d nearly lost Kate twice, and dealt with her ex coming back, discovered his father was dead, gained a half-sister and nearly got shot by the school ho. It had been quite an eventful time and it’s was in those moments that he truly realized what was really important to him.

“Tom! Are you ready?” Kate shouted at him from the bottom of the stairs.
“Yes!” he called, racing down the stairs and scooping her up in his arms, she giggled.

“Put me down!” she told him.

“Never!” Tom declared passionately, she smacked him playfully on the arm. “Now let’s get to this hospital shall we?”


Kandy gave birth to a healthy six pound, baby girl, named Belle Lilly George-Schafer at nine minutes past ten that morning. Gustav came out into the waiting room beaming.

“I’m a father!” he declared, then fainted.

“Shit!” Kostja said laughing as he went to help him up. “You alright? too much excitement, huh?”

They all laughed, Gustav came to and looked at them. “Holy shit, I’m a FATHER!?”

“That you are my friend!” Bill said, putting his arms around Gabi. “God can you believe it?”

“Poor kid.” Tom said sympathetically, Gustav shot him a look but the he laughed, it wasn’t going to be easy but he knew they’d make it as soon as he looked into that little girl’s eyes, he knew he loved her and it was the same for Kandy too.

“You guys have to see her! She’s gorgeous!” he told them all excitedly, ushering them all into the room.

“You can’t all go in there!” a woman exclaimed, carrying a stack of files, Georg and Andreas recognised her as Cybil, the flustered receptionist from some months back.

“How you doing doll,” Georg asked winking at her; she shrieked and dropped the files. “Oh my goodness let me help you.”

The others erupted into fits of giggles.

“What’s so funny?” an exhausted Kandy questioned.

“Oh nothing just some of us aren’t accustomed to the old Listing charm…” Georg said grinning.

Kandy smiled and looked down at her bundle of joy. “Isn’t she beautiful?” she turned the baby slightly, revealing its huge mop of brown hair and enormous blue eyes; she looked just like her mother.

“She’s gorgeous I want one!” Gabi squealed; Bill looked a bit green and mumbled. “I’m not so sure you do Gabs.”

Kate giggled at the look of horror on Bill’s face, and put an arm around Tom’s waist.

“Can you believe it?” she said. “How much has happened this past year? It’s amazing isn’t it?”

“It is; I think it made us all realize how important we are to each other huh?” Tom said, glancing around the room at his friends.

“Yeah definitely,” Kate agreed. “We’ll be friends for life after all this.”

Tom grinned in response and kissed her, this was exactly where he wanted to be.

The End
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Hope you enjoyed this story! there is a second part to this i will post soon, thank you to everyone who read and reviewed this fic much appreciated! xoxoxo