Status: Active again.

The Godfather

"Miss me?"

“I have no idea,” and with that Jake leaned in and pressed their lips together as roughly as possible.

Sophie was very near uncomfortable, but she didn’t know how to stop. Not that she wanted to stop exactly; she just didn’t want her teeth to be pressing into her lips, or a stair to be in the middle of her back. Jake gripped the hard wood stair till his knuckles were white. Sophia slowly reached around the back of his neck. His nape was covered with a light layer of perspiration.

Jake broke away so quickly, Sophia didn’t have time to see him run down the few stairs into the living room.

“Oh, damn it all.”

She followed, almost sliding on the way down. Soph was dripping with anger. Her face was flushed and her bottom lip looked slightly swollen. As Jake spun around she slapped him as hard as she could across his face.

“What in the fuck was that for?” he groaned, his right palm nursing his cheek.

“Fuck you Jake; you think you’re something don’t you. That was for doing that,” she threw her
hands furiously around in front of her, “and then…not doing that. And don’t fucking look at me like that you dick head,” Sophie threw her hands with an exasperated sigh. “Stop looking at me like that. My brain is still over there, on the stairs.”

“Stop fucking cursing at me and calling me names! I’m not looking at you like anything! Just give me a minute,” he perched on the edge of the couch and held his head in his hands.

“I don’t fucking need this,” Sophie turned and ran for the stairs.

By the time Jake went up to find her, every article of clothing she had been laying in a pile on the floor. A tooth brush and several bottles went flying from her bathroom. Various toiletries followed, but it was for another long minute that Sophie finally walked back into her room.

“Go the fuck away; I’m spending the rest of the summer with Aunt Naomi and Uncle Stephan. I’m going to go to school and forget about your sorry ass.”
Soph sounded like she was out of breath by the end of it. Jake approached slowly, taking slow deep breaths.

“You know, you’ve said fuck a lot in the past ten minutes or so.”

“Well I’m pissed off,” she bent to grab the suitcase from under the bed.

He grabbed her shoulders as she stood, swatting her hands from the handle of the duffle. Jake pulled her hair back and placed his face in the crook of her neck.

“I feel like such a pedophile; you gotta understand how hard this is.” Sophie nodded, never turning to face him. “I just can’t rationalize this in my head.”

She nodded again and broke away from his grip. Sophia crawled onto the bed, sat on her knees, and turned around. She patted the spot next to her. Jake hesitantly moved closer.

“I can help you there,” she grabbed the collar of his shirt and smoothed it out. “I’m not a baby; I am very nearly seventeen. I can make my own decisions. And if it makes you feel any better, I’ve had sex before.” Jake gave Sophie a look and mumbled not helping under his breath. “Okay, let’s try a different route; just once. Can’t we try just once?”

“Fine, but I am not having sex with you.”

“I don’t remember asking you,” she leaned in with a smile.

Jake shoved the sinking feeling away as she softly brushed his lips with hers. His lips tingled from her freshly applied Burts’ Bees. Her fingers were at the bottom of his shirt before he realized she as even undoing the buttons. Sophie pushed the shirt off with ease.

Jake grabbed her hands and pushed them back on the bed above her head. Her shirt wasn’t on for much longer. It wasn’t like fire or ice, but the skin on skin contact was slowly helping the ball of lust in his stomach unravel.

When Sophie woke up the next morning it was because the door bell was ringing. It only
took thirty seconds to throw on a fresh pair of pants and make herself presentable. She probably wouldn’t have bothered to do that, but the ring sounded a second time. The Jake sized indent was on the right side of her bed, and it made her smile wide.

“Aunt Naomi?” she swung the door wider to let the older woman in.

“You all packed dear?”

She raised an eyebrow. “Packed? But school’s not for another three weeks.”

“Don’t you remember? Jake left this morning for Vancouver; shooting for a new movie.”

Sophie dug her nails into her palm. “He did tell you right?”

“Yeah, I just, completely forgot. He reminded me like a week ago, but I didn’t pack. I’m sorry Auntie; it’s probably going to be a bit.”

Naomi smiled sweetly and touched her upper arm delicately, “Don’t worry about time. I’ve got to get Boo and Atticus together to take to our house, and maybe I can find us something to eat for lunch over here.”

Sophie nodded, being sure to return the smile, before walking slowly up the stairs. She shut her door and slid to the floor against it. She shook away all of her feelings, saving them for after everyone else was asleep. Soph folded her clothes in a neat and timely manner. She said all the right things about their house when she arrived, and fed the dogs after dinner. It wasn’t until she was in her new room that she let herself let go. Jake hadn’t once bothered to mention Vancouver. How long had he known? How could he let her do all she did the night before and not say a thing?

September 1, 2011

Sophia held her best friend Stefanie’s hand as they walked onto the UCLA campus as freshmen for the first time. The bubbly blonde beside her squealed and jumped up and down on the grass.

“Are you sure you don’t want to live in the dorm?” Stefanie pulled Sophia towards her brand new hall.

“My dad is really against it, but don’t worry, I’ve got a pretty cool place to stay.”

“Oh right, wanna trade? I’ll sleep under the same roof as Jake Gyllenhaal any day,” Stefanie fake swooned in Sophia’s arms before they parted ways.

Honestly, the place wouldn’t be all that cool. She would’ve gladly stayed at her aunt and uncle’s, but they were having major renovations, which meant they went on vacation while someone tore their house apart and she went back to Jake’s.

Sophia had done a pretty good job of avoiding him since he essentially hit it and quit it over a year ago. She went home for the holidays and didn’t answer his few phone calls. The big differences between the past and present visits were her knew found attitude and her new car. She was not dependent upon him for anything. She’d drive around, and come home when it was necessary to sleep. No more, no less.

This isn’t to say that all of her emotions for him were gone. There was some left over lust and a whole lot of resentment, but it was all tucked away. Sophia didn’t see any reason to bring up the past. He was grown man, and now she was an adult too. She accepted the asshole he was moved on.

Sophie drove past his house once, her stomach dropping as she saw his shiny Audi sitting in the driveway. She decided to go get someone to help her move in, instead of just asking Jake. Her decision was pretty quick, so she went and picked up her best guy friend to help. There was absolutely no reason she asked her Drew to help her move into Jake’s house, or why she giggled so much as he hugged her goodbye.

“Miss me?” Sophia cocked an eyebrow to match the smirk she wore as she strode past Jake who stood tight lipped in the door way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you guys. A big thanks for all the comments. I'm sorry I'm such a shitty updater/writer. I kind of lost this story, but someone got on and commented. I refused to read the comment until I had something new. <3 I hope to write again tomorrow. To all still willing to read, cross your fingers. R&R please. :)