
Ludeford Senior High in Podunk City, USA was supposed to be the be all end all of high schools in the Tri-City area. Most of the students were white, upper-middle class, suburban brats that stilled lived on the farms their great great grandfather's had started. My family moved to its district in the summer of 1997 and my mother couldn't have been happier.

"It's just like a public Christian school," she would say at family gatherings, smiling from ear to ear. The school system we had moved to avoid was quickly becoming well known for sicko teachers and teenage pregnancy and all that other stuff they cram into Lifetime movies to scare the shit out of parents. Ludeford, on the other hand, was normal with happy students eager to learn and a facualty and staff that upheld the highest standards of quality education.

But, appearences and realities are rarely one in the same.
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