Harsh Words.

219 words

His words were soft, just slipping past his lips as the sound escaped him. It was so gentle, as if he didn’t want to say the words. Yet here he was, spilling his guts and my heart onto the floor.

“Em, I just…I don’t want you to be stuck here waiting for me.” His voice caught, but it was my eyes that spilled salt water. “I’m going to be gone for almost a year between recording and touring, it’s not fair for me to expect you to wait.”

“John, I don’t care, I want to wait for you. I don’t want anyone else…I don’t want you to want anyone else. Is that what this is, so you can hook up on the road? Why else would you break off something we’ve had since we were fourteen. You’re throwing three years away to hook up with some band sluts?” I couldn’t stop the words spilling from my mouth, they were far harsher than I would ever intend for him, but they were defensive. All of my anger at the situation was being taken out on him, the source.

He looked down at me, his eyes full of pain.

“I’m so sorry, John, I didn’t mean it.”

He shook his head, the pain he carried out broke my heart twice over.
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<3 Dee