Status: Complete



My breath comes in quickly in short determined puffs. Bent over with my hands resting on my knees, I take a minute and just get my thoughts together. The neighborhood is quite and no cars pass in the street I’m panting in. Those that matter, they’re all gone. Left me. I’m all by myself. Left on my own. And I don’t like it. I don’t know how long it’s been like this, but all I do is keep running. The sky is gray and overcast with big, rolling black clouds moving in. From this I know It is getting closer and I need to run, just get away. Again. I can’t make my feet move though as if they’re crazy glued to the ground. I begin to pull at my legs frantically, manually trying to move them as the panic starts to set in again and my heart rate, which I just got under control, beats as fast as the speed of light. Finally they snap free as I sprint, stumbling, not knowing where exactly I’m going, just that I’m trying to get away. Up ahead the road begins to twist and swirl, the grays of the road meshing together into an ugly black mass, looking like a black hole. I watch It begin to transform and know It has found me, again. My mind panics as I spazz and run the opposite direction into a house and slam the door shut behind me as I quickly lock it and close my eyes as I feel relief wash over me for the first time. It’s not as comforting as I expect though because I feel in my gut that it’s not over yet. It never will be.
“Spazz much?” I spin around at the sarcastic voice and see Friend standing there, eerily calm with a small smile plastered on her face that never leaves.
“What are you doing here?!” I screech perplexed as I stare at her. I notice she’s disappearing. Becoming transparent. Going away for good. I can still see her but it’s not enough. It’s not what I want.
“What’s happened to you? What’s going on?”
“Nothing” she replies simply as she floats gently across the room as a cold breeze comes in through the partially opened window, and I know Its back, just like the hunter.
“We have to go! Get out of here! Now!” I say urgently lunging toward her, grabbing her hand, yet feeling nothing as my hand passes right though her. My blood turns cold and I feel my face pale as a cold sweat prickles around my hairline.
“W-what’s happening to you?” I say my eyes wide
“It’s time.” She says all too calmly with that same small little smile sitting upon her lips, her straight brown hair pulled down at the sides, and the hem of her dress billowing as the wind picks up as It draws nearer. She looks like a ghost in that moment and I feel my breath come in short puffs.
“No! Not yet!” I scream, refusing to believe her. “Help me! Come on! We need to go! I’m not letting this happen to you! Not yet! You can’t leave me!”
The glass in the windows shatter, scattering pieces of sharp glass that slide all over the place, and the door swings open, loudly banging against the wall. The roof is ripped off the top of the house and bits of plastering and concrete hail down trying to pin me to the ground as the walls creak and begin to sway. Outside the sky is a deep blue, turning purple in the distance as I see the bare trees swaying, about to snap like twigs and I can feel all the destruction around me as I see my world crumbling apart before my eyes. And there’s nothing I can do about it. Nothing to stop It from coming.
“Goodbye” says the gentle voice and I spin around just to see Friend floating upward into the sky, being pulled and taken away from me by It.
“NO!” I scream thrusting my arms up to her, as if I could catch her and drag her back down, to stay with me, where things would never change. Ever. “You can’t leave me like this! You can’t go!” I cry as tears of sadness and fear stream down my cheeks smeared with dirt. I see her tiny, frail mouth move ever so slightly as she replies; yet fail to hear her due to her fragile voice getting lost in the howling wind that sounds like a banshee. She gets pulled up further and further into the sky until she disappears and is nothingness. I crumble down to the floor sprawled out feeling defeated and alone as I burry my face into my hands and weep and all is eerily quiet.
“Pull yourself together!” I tell myself. “Maybe she’s happier. Maybe she’ll be ok.” I try to comfort myself
“Your next!” A raspy, deep voice bellows and I see It in front of me and feel the prickly panic set in deep in my stomach as I run off again. I can still feel Its hot breath like humidity on the back of my neck as I run past my house and into the movie theater.
“Help!” I scream “Oh dear God help me! Help!” I cry as I fall down and find it hard to get back up. I stand up and stumble again a few feet later and can’t get up. I feel stuck to the ground. When I do get up everything feels blurred, like I’m moving in slow motion or being sucked into a vortex. My eyes feel heavy and I can’t see well. The grass I run across is eerily green basking in the orange glow of the burning, sinking sun in the deep purple sky. I run towards the movie theater, my eyes making everything abnormally fuzzy and I feel the ground twisting violently beneath me as it begins to spin and churn. Inside the movie theater it’s all dark and I can barely see now, vaguely making out the ripped movie posters in the flickering light. I run down hallway after hallway, just trying to get as far away from it as I can. Thinking I’m safe, I rest up against a wall trying to plan my next move.
“Slip, thud, gurgle” I hear. I know that its It, getting closer, for the final time since I have nowhere left to run. I just need to face it, it’s inevitable now, but I still scream a bloodcurdling scream as I see it’s black, ten foot tall body slither around the corner, all wrinkly and mushy like a snail’s underbody. It has found me once and for all, ready to take me as It sloshes on the floor until it’s red, slit like eyes narrow in on its target, and I see a mouth full of sharp teeth covered in saliva twist into a sickly smile. It slugs closer to me with its arms outreached and I smell its horrid breath on me as I hear It extract is claws. I close my eyes as I feel myself beginning to slip and disappear, repeating to myself internally
“It’s going to be ok. It’s going to be ok.”