Status: On Going

Burn for Me

Tastes like Berries

Aedus's P.O.V.

He just stared at me for a moment in thought about it. I just laid that and slid my hands up his side slowly again. It was an interesting feeling. A smooth texture that had well defined area's that were sharp then faded off into a smooth tone. Feeling his muscles ripple under my hands was also a interesting feeling and it made something start picking at my brain that had me not wanting to stop. It was fascination? Right. But the feeling of it was fantastic.

When he moaned and leaned on me my chest felt like I was about to throw it up. I couldn't breathe. Or barely did and there was a slight resistance to moan lightly when he did. It sounded even more beautiful than his laugh.

"You believe you like me? Are you emotionally confused or something?" He didn't push away my hands when he sounded a bit irritated. In fact he leaned into it some more which delayed me from answering him.

"Yes." He sighed heavily and pulled away. There was a loss. He smiled at me while pulling him self to his feet.

"Your pouting. Ha ha ha it's cute." Anela Beautiful name as well. Offered a hand. Taking it he pulled me up off of the ground and patted some of off of my shirt. Feeling my lips pull upwards as he now furrowed his brows at his arm that had a slow shade of black and blue form on it. Taking his other hand gently, his gaze curious as I brought up the bruised part to my lips and kissed it a few times before resting my cheek on his arm above the bruise. Staring at him, those cheeks turned shades again.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. How about you?" Anlea pulled his arm away from me and searched for bruises or blood. Letting his fingers dance along my arms then back. He spotted one large bruise on my side and frowned at it looking guilty.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." You ran into me at full speed. Shaking my head slightly pushing my shirt down.

"It's fine." His eyes narrowed slightly.

"No it's not. Bruises hurt there more because it's on two of your ribs. Ribs hurt bruised ." Not helping another smile which took him back a bit.

"I don't feel pain." His jaw dropped. I knew this look I got it allot. Baffled.

"What do you mean you don't feel pain?!" The ones that were watching us were wondering that as well having the same curious gazes.

"I was in a car accident when I was eight and was slammed into hard. It messed up some nerves. But I can still feel things...just not pain." His lips pulled tightly together making him look a bit like a fish. Which was absolutely how he put it. Cute.

"That's strange not being able to feel pain but able to feel everything else."

"It took a bit to get used to the idea. Anela I have a question." Should I ask? What if he says no? But then again what if he says yes? Then could I be happy and know what caring and this language of love people speak about?

"What is it?"

"Date me."

"That wasn't a question idiot it was a demand!" He smacked the side of my arm a few times .

"Take it as a question then." He snarled slightly before crossing his arms seeming a bit irritated that the slaps had no affect. I mean it just felt like he was patting my shoulder. But the loud snaps told me he was trying to make me feel some pain for making the question sound like a demand.

"Fine. But only because you need to learn a few things. When I'm done with you, your going to be so skilled at talking you wont even believe it! Hah." He sounded so confident about that. But I don't want to be skilled at just that. But I want to know the feelings that are happening inside of me when he's near. Those feelings that have a strong need for him to be close no matter what.

What are you? Questioned the feelings as he grabbed my arm and pulled me along.

Two months passed and I swear Anela was just about to dive off a cliff and laugh hysterically while doing it because of trying to explain things to me. But as soon as Anela seemed like he was going to burst into tears and go rampage I would kiss his cheek then his eye lids and after wards his lips then nose. He seemed to calm down at that.

I was learning. But I still wondered this burning feeling he told me he has when he's around me. I'm not sure he said it was passion that just made you feel so alive and wild. A very strong emotion he said that can revolve around something or someone. And he's been trying to get me to feel it. With random things like ice cream or jumping on a trampoline. All I got out of it was some what of a sugar high and exhaustion for using that sugar high on a trampoline.

But lately there was this very strong something there when I see him. I want to touch him, hold him in my arms, never wanting him to leave, and just out of control. Maybe that was passion? But then that would mean I have a burn for him?

Another thing is doing those huge smiles. I scared him a pinch. Or well he just laughed at me. Well I didn't mind since it was him laughing.

"Oh come on try it!" Anela waved a strange looking goo in front of my face that he made that looked very precarious. We were at my small apartment laying on my bed trying out new things. His cooking was good but the thing that slowly pulled away from the spoon looked to dangerous.

"Come on it's good. See watch." Anela popped the spoon in his mouth and slid it out making it all shiny silver again. Good thing to the purple goop was scary. He smiled and swallowed it.

"See? Now come on try it."

"Alright." The sapphire blue eyes lightened up brightly, and went brighter as I leaned in and took his lips that tasted like all the random things we've eaten. Which isn't a bad thing. Pushing my tongue in his mouth swirling my tongue around him. He sighed contently and curled his tongue with mine slowly. Grabbing his shoulders ignoring the three dishes of food on the bed and pulled him closer to me. The spoon slid out from his fingers and clattered on the floor.

"Mh." That's what made me seem to black out almost every time. His whimpering moans made me want to growl. Pulling harder having him tightly against my chest while sucking on his tongue which made those moans louder.

Finding all the softer spots during these two months, feeling his body go in a full tremble against mine. Pulling away and feeling my lips pull up.


"Tastes like berries. I like it." Anela muttered under his breath lightly and pushed his nose into my chest. Speaking of berries he resembled a strawberry at the moment. Or his face did.

"Cute." Anela whined and dug his nose in further .

"Meanie." Very cute.
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W O R D S : 1 2 4 9

Thank you for the comments =D

I loved your comment ha ha it was funny.