Selfish Greed


"Charlotte. Do you really think this is a good idea?" My best friend of all time sat on my bed, watching as I packed a suitcase full of clothes and other nessessities.

"Definitely. I was forced to watch my little brother die. I have to do something."

"It's just... This is totally the wrong way to go about it. Tom wouldn't want you doing this. You're only going to get hurt."

I turned to face her with angry tears. "Thomas got hurt. Thomas lived through the pain until he couldn't take it anymore. You didn't have to watch him wither away. No body but me did. Someone has to pay. I won't get hurt. Why would I?"

"You could fall for someone," she looked me in the eye with honesty.

"I would never betray Thomas like that. I couldn't live with myself if I fell for someone who took his life. Those bastards need to pay what they didn't before."

"It's not going to bring him back, Char."

"Don't you think I know that? He's never coming back. I need to do this for him and me."

"Fine. You do what you have to do," Jayney picked up her purse and left for the front door.

I sat on the bed and huffed loudly. I was doing the right thing. I knew I was. I have to show Thomas I cared about him some way. What better way than revenge? I instantly winced at the words. Revenge? No, that's not the right word. Pay back. That's better. It's kinder and more realistic. The problem was there are too many celebrities around my age. Obviously, they had to be male. Between 21 and 35 years, roughly. And I didn't really want to commute far away. I lived in Westminister, California. A job wasn't really important. I am a teacher at Wesminister High and it was the beginning of summer vacation. I had two months before I had to be back. That's plenty of time to do what I need to do. And I would do anything to get the achievement of paying Thomas back for what these people took off him.

"No matter what, Thomas. Don't you worry," I whispered to the empty room.


The next day, I found myself in Hunnington Beach. I googled celebrities in South Cali and this band called 'Avenged Sevenfold' were the first link. I checked out their tour dates and what not. It seems this year, they were having a break. They were at home, in Hunnington, all summer. I just needed to find these guys. There were five of them. I had a choice. All of them had girlfriends, which was not such a big deal. If they were married, I would have moved on to someone else. I was not a homewrecker. Matt Sanders, the lead singer, was 29. Brian Haner Jr., the lead gutairist was also 29. Zachary Baker, the rythm gutairist was 28. Jonathon Seward, the bass player was 26. And James Sullivan, the drummer was 28. All of them were in my age group range. How perfect.

I needed a job. I can easily commute to Hunnington everyday, but a job would help pay for my transport, and make my meeting the celebrities more natural. Apparently alcohol was a wellknown substance between the band and they regularly visited one particular bar when at home. Johnny's bar.

I walked into the bar and refrained from gagging at the retched smell of smoke and alcohol. both of which were highly avoided after Thomas fell ill. The majority of the place was occupied by middle-aged men. The selection of females were blonde, perky and wearing the shortest skirts known to man - belts. I walked up to the bar, squeezed in between two dark haired men and leant across the surface, waving the bartender closer.

He made his way towards me and I smiled sweetly.

"What can I get 'ya?" He asked, curiously eying the slight clevage that spilled out my top.

I frowned at him and got to the point. "A job. Is there anyone I can talk to about one?"

The man inspected me again and simply said "yes". So helpful.

I raised my eyebrows and he smiled. "You're hired."

"Really?" I beamed. Wow, easier than I thought.

His eyes didn't lift. "Really." He blinked a few times then matched his eyes with mine. "You can start now," he nodded towards the end of the bar.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I decided to set it before Jimmy's death.

I know the job opportunity was kind of sudden and its not like that in the real world, but I have to jump into the story or i'll bore you all and myself.

Thank you to my commenters/subscribers. They is only a few of you, but damn do I appreciate it.

Enjoy (: