Saints and Sinners

December 10, 2012

December 10, 2012
(Earlier in the day.)

“Have you been watching the news all day?” Damon inquires, wandering into the living room.

For some reason Elena had gotten the idea in her head that he and Stefan’s house was a better apocalypse tracking fort than her own home. Probably because her own home is emptied out, no one is living there anymore but herself. Her aunt Jenna had taken off with Alaric for splitsville, dragging Jeremy along with them. And wherever Jeremy went, Bonnie followed. Caroline had left of her own accord a couple days ago, murmuring something about not wanting to be around for her town’s destruction, not wanting to witness so many loved ones dying.

Damon refills his whiskey glass and drops a shot glass of blood inside, swigging it back so quickly that even he, a seasoned drinker, can’t help but cough.

“I’ll stop watching the news when you stop drinking whiskey every day.” Elena retaliates, challenging him with her eyes from across the room.

Never one to back down from a challenge, he carelessly tosses the glass into the fireplace and wanders over to sit next to her on the couch. His arm rests comfortably on the back of the couch, fingers dangling mere inches above her shoulder. Tiny strands of hair caress his skin, and he can’t help but smile at the sound of her increased heart rate.

When Stefan comes into the room she jumps up from the couch, runs into his arms. Damon can’t help but notice how his little brother doesn’t return the affection with as much gusto as he normally would have. Especially since Elena was just cuddled next to himself, the better brother.

As Elena chatters on about updates on the apocalypse – the mysterious explosions and rapid changing weather; the changing sky and lack of woodland creatures, Damon studies Stefan’s face closely, eyes his persistent frown and absent nods with the knowing look of someone who has flaked out often.

And sure as he knows that Elena will die, he knows Stefan is going to leave her. And he’s going to leave her soon. Months ago this would have made him happy, and he probably would’ve sent his brother off with flowers while waving gaily as he drove down the driveway and out of Mystic Falls. But for some reason, now he wants to delay it; wants his brother to stay with Elena longer than he knows that Stefan plans to.

“Elena,” Damon calls from the couch, standing slowly. “You should go home. I have to talk to Stefan.”

“Whatever you have to say to him, you can say in front of me.” Elena says defiantly.

He stares long and hard at her, his brows furrowed deep over his eyes. Slowly, he lifts his lips into a crooked smile. “Go home, Elena.”

Without further prodding she agrees reluctantly, slipping out the door noiselessly. As soon as he hears her car turn onto the street at the end of their drive, Stefan opens his mouth to speak. Damon, however, will hear nothing of what he has to say.

“No, Stefan. You’re going to spew some silly bullshit about how it’s right and fair for you to leave her. You’re going to try and justify it with love and feelings,” he says angrily, stepping close to his brother. “But love and feelings don’t mean dick to me, brother.”

Stefan looks at Damon for a while, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down. When he finally speaks, spit is strung between his lips and tears dampen his eyes. “I can’t be here when it all ends, Damon. I can’t see her destruction, her death, and not be able to do anything about it. It will kill me.”

“So you’re going to leave me here to watch her, hold her while she dies?” Damon shouts, anger flooding through every fiber of his being.

“You have no obligation to stay, Damon.”

“But I do, Stefan. Caroline warned me about being the only one Elena would have left. Which means you’ve been thinking about this for days haven’t you?”

Stefan remains mute, casts his eyes elsewhere. Anywhere but his eldest brothers face, the one so contorted with anger that he’s barely recognizable.

“I guess that’s the difference between you and me then,” Damon continues, his voice harsh as ever. “I have always loved her just a little bit more. I will always love her more.”

And forfeiting Elena's challenge, he grabs a bottle of whiskey and heads out the door.