Saints and Sinners

December 2, 2012

December 2, 2012

The sound of her pencil lead scratching against the paper on the desk in front of her is the only sound in the classroom. In the front of the room, a substitute leans lazily in his chair with the news on low. Elena flips the page and begins the next math question, searching her brain tiredly for the answer. Footsteps stop at the open door and she glances up, curious.

“Can I help you?” the substitute asks, his back turned towards the open doorway.

“I’m here to pick up Elena.” Stefan says, and the way he says her name still sends a shiver down her spine.

“She’s taking a test.”

“I can wait.”

With Stefan being in the room the test seems less important. After all, in 19 days the world will be ending anyways. What’s completing a math test going to do for her in the long run? Closing the test packet, she grabs her purse and heading out the door, dumps the papers in the trash bin. The substitute shouts half-heartedly at them as they head out of the school doors, but he doesn’t really care.

“So,” Elena says, stuffing her hands inside her pants pockets. “What are we going to do today?”

Stefan slants his eyes towards her, smiling slightly. “I thought we could spend the day together.”

“I’d like that.” Elena replies, grinning.

So with arms wrapped around each other’s waists they head off to the woods where Elena watches in fascination while Stefan hunts his bunny rabbits and squirrels. Not once before in their relationship had he ever taken her out to watch him feed. Towards the beginning of finding out that he was a vampire it was the one question she asked repeatedly. Will you take me out with you while you hunt? Please, Stefan? He’d never agreed, telling her countless times that he didn’t want her to see that part of him.

But with the world ending she isn’t about to ask why he finally chose to show her. Instead, once he’s done feeding, they talk quietly about the people they know, their mutual friends, and her family; the aunt and brother who left her all alone in Mystic Falls. Stefan wipes the tears away with his thumb, kisses her forehead tenderly, and brushes the hair from her face.

When they hit the center of town, the absolute quiet is deafening. The lack of activity startles Elena, and she thought the near empty school was eerie enough. No cars pass by and pieces of paper lay in the road. Picking one up, she reads it silently before tugging on Stefan’s sleeve.

“Look! There’s a group of people headed to Europe. There’s shuttles and everything.”

Stefan grabs the paper, remains quiet for a long time before checking the watch on his wrist. “The last shuttle left three hours ago.”

Though she would never leave Mystic Falls, never leave the place she grew up in the place she made best friends, enemies, and love in, Elena can’t help but feel disheartened by the news. There were a couple of people she wouldn’t have minded persuading to take the shuttle.

They wander the center of town for a while before stopping by the grille. A good two handful of people turn and stare bleary eyed at them, some even shouting to shut the damn door! Blinking rapidly, Elena slams the door shut while her eyes adjust to the darkness. Matt approaches them with a towel draped over his shoulder, grim smile on his lips.

“Hey,” he says quietly, and Elena can’t help it she hugs him tight.

“Have you spoken with Caroline or Tyler?” she asks, and hurt flashes through his watery blue eyes.

“No, not since they left.”

There’s nothing but sorrow for Matt inside Elena’s heart; such a sweet boy with a puppy like demeanor, broken without any chance of repair on the inside. Not even his alcoholic loose mother has bothered to travel back to Mystic Falls to spend their last days together. On top of that, Caroline choosing to leave with Tyler Lockwood instead of staying here with him, and Elena is honestly surprised that’s he’s even at work, out in public. But she knows all too well that the people in this bar can offer a comfort unlike anything the empty house at home can.

Stefan tugs her sleeve lightly so she hugs Matt goodbye, and for all she knows it may be their last goodbye, before the couple leave the bar. In the empty road with the sun beating on her back, she cries for her broken ex-boyfriend, for her lonely house and her “family”.