Only A Fool's Paradise

Xain's the type of kid that doesn't ask for much. She's generally quiet, though not very nice. All she ever asked for was to be left alone. Was that so much to ask? Certainly not. Her obsession to seek a silent solace consumed her, made her blind to the only escape route she could have had.

That is, of course, until she saw her world crumble right before her eyes. Literally. Taken from the life she had known by some strange force and thrown into a life of darkness was not what she had envisioned the road to her sanctuary to be but... The more she pushes to finally be free, the more she learns that she just might not be who she thought she was. That, perhaps, the refugee that she seeks is not all it's cracked up to be.

But it's also the only choice she has to save a friend.

((I'm stating this here and now that this story is mainly here for me. I've been working on it for a long time now and it's grown and blossomed as my writing has. It has everything to do with the first Kingdom Hearts game, and almost nothing to do with the others, simply because the idea was hatched after I'd finished the game so many years ago.

Disclaimer-- I do not own any of the Kingdom Hearts characters or places, but Xain and the original characters seen are all mine.))