Status: Thou art dearly loved

From afar

1724 Paris

I woke up and my mind was immediately alert. I heard the maids bustling quickly about below, and listened to the echo of my father’s steps on the stairs. I rose quickly, feeling light as a feather in my night gown and went to the dress that had been neatly laid out for me (as always) on the chair beside my vanity. It was an extraordinary blue with a lovely silk fabric. I slowly put on each piece of the dress, taking great care of my appearance. I slipped the silk over my head and breathed deeply, the smell of perfume wafted through the air and I did up my stays.

I went to the mirror and examined myself. My hair was not done yet, but I smiled at my breasts noting that they looked voluptuous in the confines of the corset. I didn’t dare put my shoes on for fear of damaging the wood floor my mother had paid for. I called up my maid Bessie to help with my hair, and sat down contentedly as she marched her large form up the stairs to my quarters.

My face looked angelic in the mirror and I closely inspected my eyes, being sure that Mr. Abbott could easily gaze into them. Mr. Abbott was older and richer then I but I was desperately in love with him. He was a family friend, being an aid to my father in one of his many gallant battles. As I sat getting my hair done I fondly recalled that first time I met my dear Mr. Abbott.

It was a snowy night, the candles were all lit and my siblings and I were all dressed for bed. I was only 8 years old at the time, while Harry Abbott had been the young age of 21. He had come in with her father after his trip to Turkey to visit Mr. Montrose at his manse. He had been gone for little over a month and all in the household were thrilled to see him home. When he came in with Harry, her mother had run to his side and showed him to a seat in our large visiting room. All the children were forbidden to follow so we all began to huddle back to our rooms, the excitement of their arrival fading away. But I lingered, hoping to hug father before I went to bed.

I snuck into the visiting room when my mother left to put all of my siblings in bed. The fire had been burning slowly, keeping the room cozy and warm. Father was sitting with the unknown stranger in two large velvet chairs. I poked my head around my father’s chair and he exclaimed
“Why my little Diana, you’ve come to see me have you?” I nodded eagerly as he lifted me into his arms. I turned to look at the new stranger and couldn’t keep my eyes from widening.

He was the most handsome man my small mind had ever encountered. He wore a uniform with broad shoulders and official badges placed about the chest. His eyes were a deep grey and he had large black eyelashes. His skin was fair, but his cheeks were rosy from the cold outside. His hair was neatly combed, but I could see that it was a dark brown and soft textured. He smiled at me and I smiled back, and then looked down suddenly ashamed of my appearance.

He reached out a graceful hand to me and said
“I am Harry Abbott, what is your name again darling?” I looked up at him with my blue sparkling eyes and said
“My name is Diana Tamworth. It is a pleasure to meet you sir.” He chuckled and I shook his hand, in complete awe.

I stayed comfortably in my fathers’ lap for a good time, happily listening to their small talk, their talk of politics and plans to visit others. Mr. Abbott’s voice was low and charming, I enjoyed listening to him. My mother came in unwanted and swept me away, but not before I could bid farewell to Mr. Harry Abbott. I should never forget his words to me that night. He said
“Lovely Diana, may I once again be graced with the pleasure of your company.” Before I could respond my mother tugged on my arm again and I walked with her, my cheeks hot.

Ever since that night I had thought of him in my dreams. At first it had been a childlike love, like a new doll or toy, but soon as I matured and grew older it became real. I would see him on occasion and wickedly watch his eyes widen at my appearance, my glowing complexion and bright eyes, my curvy figure and soft flowing chocolate hair.

As far as I was concerned, he was never married nor did he have any relations with other women. But now that I was 18 (soon to be 19) I knew that fantasy was false. But none the less, I loved him. I knew he had grown to love me as well. All this week he had come to visit our family and each time had deliberately sat across the table from me at dinner. Even though he was now 31, somehow that didn’t matter in the slightest.

The thing that made my heart flutter the most was that the other night I had seen my father walk into the visiting room with Harry after all had been dismissed. I pretended to walk up to my quarters but snuck back down and tried to listen to their conversation. I had been angered to find that their voices were too low to hear, but captured small fragments of the conversation. They said “she” and “well…” and lots of “shhh”’ I hurriedly ran upstairs, my heart pounding, my mind leading to the one thing it desired most, to have Mr. Abbott propose to me. Perhaps he had been asking father for her hand in marriage.

Bessie snapped her fingers in the middle of her thought and she realized her hair was done. She looked up to see her hair neatly lifted and small ringlets poking out, her makeup had been carefully done and she smiled. She looked stunning.

Mr. Abbott had invited her to his house for tea that afternoon and she was absolutely thrilled. She had only been to his town house in Paris once, and that was with her mother. This time she would be with him alone. She was giddy with the thought. She rose from her vanity and slipped her shoes on, then went downstairs.

Below was her sister Annadaile and her other sister Clara. They were both younger than her but each only by a year. Annadaile was 17 and Clara was 16. Both of them were far better at housework, but not nearly as attractive. They would soon grow into themselves however and find husbands of their own. Her eldest sister Barbara had just married Roger, a man of considerable wealth who lived fairly close. They were to visit them next week in their manse. She couldn’t wait to tell Barbara all about Harry, Bab had always thought they went well together and had listened to all of her going on’s about his eyes and hair and voice.

But she hadn’t been around to see that now there might be a reality to it all, that it wasn’t impossible for them to be together. Annadaile looked up at her entrance and smiled saying
“Oh Diana you look simply lovely!” Clara looked up as well and smiled with envy, the both of them ooed and awed at her dress and her hair.

They too were in their best clothes, but Clara could not yet wear makeup. Annadaile could but her maid was not as good as Bessie. They all decided they were ready, Annadaile and Clara were headed to the town square to shop, her mother and her youngest sister Lucy were going with her father to his new construction site where he was building a new townhouse for the family.

We all left quickly, and I was dropped off first. My heart was pounding as the coach master helped me out. My gloved hand looked fair though, and I contented myself with the thought that I looked beautiful.

I waved goodbye to my family in their carriage as they drove away and walked to the door, my two maids at my side as always.

I knocked softly on the door and watched as his butler opened the door, admitting me in saying
“Mr. Abbott will be with you shortly.” I nodded as he walked away quickly and took in the smell of his living quarters.

They smelled like him. I gazed at the lovely portraits hung up on the walls, reaching higher and higher. There was a large staircase, and huge tapestry’s covered most of the walls. The carpets were extravagant as well as the statues and flowers about. But something about the decoration needed a woman’s touch.

I had shooed my maids away to the maid quarters, knowing that I wouldn’t need them. My heart skipped a beat when I heard the clack of shoes on the marble floor. I didn’t turn around however hoping he would silently acknowledge my appearance from behind. He slowed his stride as he came up behind me, then he said.

“Lovely aren’t they? Odd how each generation can be lamely nailed to a wall, when the passerby could only comprehend the power each of these men and women held.”

I turned to him smiling and said
“They are all simply lovely; I have honestly never seen such craftsmanship.” He chuckled at that and said
“Well then my dear, you have a lot to see. Come with me, let’s have tea shall we?”

I nodded as he offered his arm; I took it and followed him to his visiting room. His stride was longer than mine but he slowed to keep pace with me.
He seated me in a chair and sat in one rather close to mine, with a small table in front of us and the curtains wide open revealing the glorious day. For Paris, the weather was fantastic. He turned to me as I was looking out the window and I looked at him.

He had wrinkles around his eyes, but that only added to his charm. His eyes beamed at me and I felt a small warmth begin to grow in my heart.

“Diana, I must say you look ravishing. You never cease to amaze me with your beauty.” I blushed and he smiled. I didn’t know how to respond, but I was saved by the maid bringing us our tea. It was steaming but Harry poured me a cup anyways and I added three cubes of sugar to mine, as always. No cream, I didn’t want my breath to smell bad. I noticed Harry didn’t put any cream in his either and my stomach did a flip.

I turned to him, attempting to look sophisticated.
“So Harry dear, do tell me how you have been. Has Paris been treating you kindly? I do love it here myself.” He pondered the question and said
“Well, I must admit the city changes every time I visit. But I am finding this time that it has changed drastically. I rather like it actually.” He winked at me and I looked down taking another sip of my tea.

We were silent for a moment, each of us to our own thoughts. I looked at him and saw the crease between his brows.
“Tell me Harry, what are you thinking this exact moment?” He looked at me unsure if he should voice his thoughts or not.

“I am thinking of how it is I should say what I most yearn to without frightening the one person I long to keep in my company.” He half-heartedly laughed at that but saw I awaited his profession.

He took a deep breath and I told myself this was it, this was it.
“Diana, you must know that I….I have admired you for quite some time. You are the spark to my days here in Paris and I never tire of your young perspective on life.” He paused to see my response.

I simply looked back at him, waiting. He ventured on.
“I need someone…someone who will keep me company and keep me living the young life I used to enjoy. You are more than any man could ask for, more or less dream of, but I ask you none the less.”

I held my breath and met his eyes with sincere curiosity.
“Diana, will you agree to be my lawful wedded wife?”

It was silent for a moment and then I wiped away the tear that had rolled down my cheek and nodded yes.
“Yes….yes Harry I…. yes!”

I found myself in an embrace with my true love and kissed him for the first time, our passion finally escaping through long lived years of concealment.
“I love you.” He whispered and slipped a large diamond ring onto my finger. I beamed at him and wrapped my arms around his figure, hugging and kissing him everywhere I could.

I loved him, and he loved me. The world was right, like I’d always imagined.