Save Me

The Boy Who Can See

She walks down the snow-covered pathway in plain sight, but no one can see her. She sobs her heart out every day on that path, but no one hears her. Her dark hair and powdery complexion stands out, but no one notices. Her pai radiates from her soul to those surround her, and no one can ever figure out why they hurt so much seemingly out of no where. They are ignorant to her existence because they choose to believe she doesn't exist. Man comforts himself by pretending that what he fears does not exist, but she does exist, and there is nothing they can do about it.

She desperately wishes she could go somewhere that wasn't this horrendous park, but how can one move on when there is so much they are leaving behind? She was used to being ignored, even when her heart still beated. Everyone pretended she did not exist.

He does not ignore her, though. He sits on the bench as she nears it. She does not even glance in his direction considering the fact that he is still breathing and assumes that he, too, will ignore her.

He doesn't.

"My name is Jack," he says. She walks on by, not quite catching the fact that he is not ignoring her. "Wait, I can see you! You, with the black hair!" She turns around slowly, trying not to get her hopes up, but he is looking directly in her eyes.

"You can?" she asks, unable to keep herself from hoping any longer. He nods, confirming it. Passers-by glare at Jack in disgust, for they believe he is talking to himself. Common man does not accept "crazy" people into their civilized society. She admires the fact that he ignores their abhorrence toward him.

"I always hate seeing a beautiful girl in tears, whether she is alive or not. What's wrong?" he asks her with a genuine look on his face. She shrugs.

"I'm not ready to be dead, I guess."

"No one ever feels completely ready to stop living, no matter how full or otherwise their lives are. It happens anyway, but that's okay. To every end is a new beginning." The way he speaks of death makes her smile. His optimism is comforting. "Oh, a smile. It looks beautiful on you, you know."

She looks at him with a grateful expression as the area that would be her heart had she been alive flutters. She has never been called beautiful before, and he said it to her as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. A tear stings her eye, but not out of misery. The weighty depression is lifted from her heart and he smirks at her.

A brilliant light appears not far from her. He tells her, "That's for you. Save me a spot, will you?"

She steps up to him and simulates brushing her hand against his cheek, looking him in the eyes as if telling him mentally that he was a miracle worker. With one glance back at the wonderful man named Jack, she steps into the light.