Status: I put charaters up!!

Nerds Need Love Too


I woke up laying directly on top of Kai. I opened my eyes and saw bleach blonde hair on my arm

"Hale?" I asked softly

Kai groaned and wrapped his arms around me. I lifted my head up and saw Ryan beneath Haley. Kai moved his hands up and lifted my face to look at his

"Goodmorning blue" He said softly

I groaned and buried my face in his neck. My head was pounding

"We all got pretty smashed last night" He said rubbing my head

I felt the bed move and I heard Ryan yawn

"Good gracious" He said

Kai yawned and moved all my hair to one side

"Want an asprin?" He asked

I nodded not moving my head from his neck. He sat up and I wrapped my arms around him. Ryan chuckled and Kai held me till we got to that bathroom

"How dont you have a hangover?" I asked softly

He sat me on the counter and opened the cabinet

"I do have a hangover. I very bad one at that" He said softly

I looked at his face again and he had bags under his eyes. He opened a bottle of asprin and took two

"Open" He said

I opened my mouth and her gave me two. I grabbed a glass and chugged some water

"Give some to Ryan and Haley" I said giving him the cup

He took the cup and walked out of the bathroom. I got off the counter slowly and felt the cold floor on my feet. I walked over to Kai and watched him give the asprin to Haley

"You're going to choke roll over" Kai said

She rolled and drank the water down. Ryan's eyes were bloodshot

"God we really did get smashed" He said rubbing his eyes

I smiled and crawled in the bed next to Haley. She rolled over and threw her body on my side. I rubbed her head

"How was you birthday?" She asked

I smiled and felt the bed sag on my left

"It was amazing and perfect. Better than my 5th birthday party when Alex came and ate all my cake" I said making her laugh

She shook her head and rolled over on to her back and held my hand

"I love you Vally" She said softly

I giggled

"Love you too Hale" I said back

Ryan and Kai awed. Ryan rolled over and put his head on Haley's chest

"Do any of you remember last night? and Why we are all half dressed?" Ryan asked

I looked down and noticed I was in black lace and haley had on red lace. The boys were both in shorts

"I have no idea" I said running a hand through my tangled hair

Kai laughed and put his arm over my naked stomach. We all laid there in a peacful silence till someone knocked on our door

"Come in" Kai said

Leo walked in and had a surprised look on his face. Haley giggled and blushed

"Well hello party animals" He said to all of us

Kai laughed and sat up pulling me next to him. Leo smiled and shook his head at us

"You all are pretty wild" Leo said winking at me

I giggled

"You and Haley took off your heels and dresses. And screamed "Let's all get laid. Kai and Ryan were trying to get you two with out stumbling over thier own feet. Then Kai and Val went into the guest bathroom and then Val came out screaming she gave Kai a blowjob" Leo said pausing as Haley giggled loudly

I blushed and covered my face. Kai smiled wide and moved his hair out of his face

"Then Ryan yelled that he loves Kai. And Kai came over and you two slow danced" Leo stopped to laugh himself this time

Kai nodded his head at Ryan

"Hope your hands above the waist" Kai said

Ryan winked at Kai

"Sike that's no fun at all" Ryan said

Haley and myself laughed so hard at them fighting

"So after everyone left you four came up here and fell asleep" Leo said waving his hands around us

Haley sat up next to me and kissed my cheek. Leo smiled and rolled his eyes

"Have you two ever been apart?" He asked

Haley shook her head

"You know we have been together since diapers" I said patting Haley's knee

Leo smiled and shook his head

"Well I dont know if mom told you but my wife and I are staying here so we can be here for you engagment party" Leo said

I smiled and clapped my hands

"That's awesome i can play with the twins!" I said happily

Leo smiled and nodded

"I will leave you guys to get dressed" Leo said before turing and leaving

Kai got up quickly and pulled my hand

"Lets get ready and you two go get dressed in the other guestbedroom" He said to Ryan

Ryan stood up and picked Haley up bridal style. I giggled and pulled Kai into the bathroom. I started the shower and turned back toward Kai he was brushing his teeth

"Kai I love you so much. you are going to be the perfect husband" I said walking up and hugging his back

I felt him laugh and spit

"I love you too blue and you will be a perfect wife" He said softly

He turned around walked us over to the shower. I felt my bra drop and I pushed down Kai's shorts and boxers

"One last birthday present" He said in my hair

~Kai POV

After my and Val's shower time. We got dressed happily

"Very good present baby" Val said from behind me

I smiled and turned toward her

"Anything for you love" I said kissing her nose

We finished up and Val pulled me downstairs. I saw a small brown haired woman rocking a smiling baby

"Kalie Hi!" Val said hugging the small woman

The woman smiled and kissed Val's cheek. Val held her hands out for the baby

"Hows my Haden" She said kissing his head

The baby giggled and she held him up. Val tapped the woman's shoulder and pointed to me

"That is my soon to be husband Kai" Val said happily

The woman smiled at me and pulled me into a hug

"Hello" she said softly

I smiled and hugged her back she pulled away and looked up at me

"Well you parents picked well" She said

I laughed and Leo came into the kitchen with another baby

"Kylan is ready" He said

Both of the babies looked similar. Leo kissed Val's head and looked at me

"Want to hold your nephew?" He asked

I nodded and held my hands out. He gave me the baby and I pulled him close to my chest. The baby cooed and looked up at me with big blue eyes

"Woah" I said leaning closer

The baby giggled and put it's fingers in his mouth. I smiled and pulled at his hand. He giggled and squeezed my finger

"Hold on they need binkies" Kalie said

I sat down near the bar and put Kylan on the counter. His blue eyes looked all over my face in excitement

"He likes you" Val said coming over and putting Haden near his brother

Both of the boys looked at each other and giggled. I laughed and they both looked at me

"You two are silly" I said

Haden smiled at me and reached over to touch my face. Kalie came back and handed Haden a dark green binky and gave Kylan a bright orange one

"Play nice with uncle Kai" She said to both of them

Haden was leaning over toward me so I moved him over in front of me. Kylan was looking at Val shake some toy. Haden smacked my head and screamed then Kylan hit Haden's head and he stopped

"Kylan dont hit Haden" Val said

Kylan looked at her like he knew what she was saying. Kylan looked at Haden and made a noise and Haden smiled

"Woah what was that?" I asked

Val shrugged and picked Kylan up

"Lets go play in the living room" She said

I picked Haden up and he looked at my face the whole time. I made a funny face at him and he giggled like a maniac. Kylan was over Val's shoulder making that noise and Haden giggled more. I smiled and shook my head

"Twins are cool" I said

Val was holding Kylan on her hip as she opened a blanket out and laid it on the floor. She put two mats down and laid Kylan down on one

"Put Haden there" She said

I put him next to his brother and they both looked at each other. Val and I watched as Kylan pulled out Haden's binky and give Haden his. Haden whined and Kylan rolled over and made that noise again

"Kylan is the oldest im guessing?" I asked

Val shook her head

"Haden is older by 5 minutes. Kylan is just a dominate baby" She said sitting down in front of both mats

I sat behind her and pulled her back to my chest

"Do you want babies?" I asked

She nodded

"In my like late 20's. I want 3" She said softly

I nuzzled my face in her neck and nodded

"I would give you anything you wanted" I said softly

She giggled and rubbed my head. Haden had flipped over now too and the both of them were crawling over to me and Val

"Kylan what are you doing?" Val said happily

He looked at her and smiled big. Haden was crawling toward me with a grin on his face too. He sat in front of me and looked up

"Hey buddy" I said shaking his hand

He squeezed my fingers and giggled. I smiled and rubbed his head

"They both like you" Val said turning and putting Kylan in my lap

He looked up at me and made and "ahh" noise. I rubbed his head too and he giggled

"I could get use to this. Being home relaxing with you" Val said

I looked up a her and winked. She was right.