Status: I put charaters up!!

Nerds Need Love Too

Stupid jocks

Instead of sleeping last night I packed up my room. I woke up today and realized it was going to be my last day in my childhood home

“Val” I heard a small voice from behind me

I turned and saw Helen in my bed. Her bright blue eyes looked red and dull like she had been crying

“What’s wrong munchkin?” I said rubbing her face

Her chubby features and small frame made her look so much younger but she was actually 5

“Your leaving and I’m going to be all alone” she said softly

I felt so bad I forgot about that too. I pulled her closer and kissed her head softly

“I will come and visit you and I’m only going to be 5 minutes away so you can call me whenever you want” I said in her hair

She began crying again and wiped her face on my blankets

“Promise?” she asked

I nodded and pulled back to look at her

“I promise I will. I love you too much to just forget” I said kissing her nose

She giggled and hugged me tightly

“I gotta get dressed now so I will see you in a few” I said

She got up and bounced out of my room. I got up and reached for the clothes I had put out

“Ugh” I shouted going into the bathroom

When I finally got dressed I was surprised to see Helen in the living room

“Munchkin what are you doing?” I asked

I walked around and Kai was sitting next to her. He was showing her something on the mini laptop

“Val look Kai is making the little man jump” she said looking up at me

Kai was still looking at the screen

“Why are you here?” I asked

He finally looked up and took a short breath then looked me up and down

“My mother told me I should drive you since your coming home with me today” he said softly

I looked down at him then walked out of the room. I grabbed some bacon and apple juice from the kitchen

“Valora” he said softly from behind me

I turned and met his now light brown eyes

“Hmm?” I said

He gulped then wiggled his glasses

“I’m sorry for how I acted yesterday. It was rude of me” he said stepping closer to me

I swallowed the food in my mouth

“It’s fine I was being a brat” I said

He moved some of his hair out of his face and smiled at me

“Now that is behind us let’s get to school” he said

I nodded and walked in front of him

“Hey Helen could you go upstairs and get my pink bag” I said

She looked up at me and nodded. I turned back toward Kai he looked extra yummy today he was wearing a black t-shirt with a big yellow smiley with fangs and it fit him very snug

“You look amazing today” he said breaking me glances at him

I looked down at what I was wearing. I was wearing a denim skirt and a plain black and silver half sleeved shirt

“Thank you. You don’t look to bad yourself” I said just as Helen came back downstairs

I kissed her head and took the bag

“Love ya baby see you later” I said as I left the house

Kai was walking behind me and when we got close he walked in front of me and opened the door for me. I giggled and slid in he walked around and got in the driver seat

“Time for hell” he said before we went on our way

When we got to the school parking lot he turned toward me

“What are we going to say? Like you’re going to be seen getting out of my car” he said

He looked like he was sad almost. I touched his cheek

“I will tell them I like you and they can’t mess with you” I said softly

He was studying my face for a minute then he nodded. He put his hand over mine and kissed my palm

“Come on” he said

When he let go I felt cold but I sat and waited for him to come open my door. When I stepped out I saw a huge group of heads turn

“So it begins” he said softly in my ear

I giggled and I linked my arm through his he smiled and we walked toward a group I knew he didn’t like

“I’m going to go” he said quickly

I turned and l looked up at him. He looked over at one of the football players then back at me

“Kai please don’t go” I said sadly

He flashed me a smile and shook his head

“Oh no you don’t blue eyes. I will see you at lunch ok?” he said

I bit my lip and nodded. He smiled again and tried to turn but I pulled on his shirt

“Va-“ I cut him off and kissed him

I was leaning up on my tiptoes till he wrapped him arms around me and held me up. I pulled back and kissed his nose

“Bye Kai” I said as he put me down

He waved and walked in the other direction. I giggled and walked over to a shocked looking Haley

“Oh my god!” she screamed

I smiled and shook my head at her

“I think our entire school just saw that” I said looking around at all the shocked faces

One of the football players walked over to me and Haley

“Hey did I just see you kissing nerd boy?” he asked

I turned and looked up at him

“His name is Kai and yes I was kissing him. Problem?” I asked

I knew this guy his name was David. He was head of the football team and was always trying to get me to go out with him

“Is that what I have to do to get you to kiss me? Not talk to anyone and read books all day?” he asked

I rolled my eyes

“Aww is someone jealous?” I asked

I saw anger flash across his face then his face smoothed out

“Of that thing never in a lifetime baby” he said before walking away

I growled

“He isn’t a thing he is a person. And I would pick him over all you mindless idiots any day of the week” I shouted

David looked at me and smiled

“Whatever you say hunny” he said

I rolled my eyes. Stupid jocks