You've Got a Perfect Skin With a Devil's Grin

Chapter 1

"Johnathan. Johnathan. Johnathan!"

I jumped slightly in my desk, feeling a presence luming over me. I peeked out from under my arms and saw a girl no older than myself. I grumbled inwardly and straightened up in my seat. Sighing I added "it's Johnny, what the fuck do you want?"

The smile on the girl's face faltered and I saw an ounce of fear fill her chocolate eyes. 'They remind me of his eyes.' I thought. I mentally cursed myself and directed my attention back onto the girl, who was now picking at a loose thread on her sweater. "You know, if you continue to pick at that, your whole sweater just might unravel." I paused before looking her up and down, licking my lips simultaneously. "Then again, I really wouldn't mind to see what's underneath there, so by all means, continue on."

The girl shot me a disgusted look and stormed out of the room. 'I wonder what I said?' I quickly shrugged it off, closing my eyes and preparing to return to the realm of sleep I had been basking in, prior to that little hunny interrupting me. I was just on the edge of slumber when I heard it again.

"Johnathan!" This time I was being poked in the ribs. If there was one thing I despised more than anything, it was being poked in the ribs. I shot my hand out in the offender's direction and circled my hand around her tiny wrist. I yanked on her arm, hoping that this would indicate my annoyance. Apparently this chick was horrible at reading body language because she continued her ministrations. I decided it would be best just to wait her out, she had to stop poking me at some point right? Otherwise I was going to be black and blue tomorrow morning. Hey, I have sensitive ribs okay?

I buried my face in my arms and tried my best to just ignore her. However, she was worse than a two year old child, even two year old children give up at some point, but not this little vixen. She pressed on, poking and prying. The girl extended her hand in front of me, toying with my mohawk and that was when I snapped; I couldn't stand it anymore. I had tried to keep my anger at a minimum, I really had but this was the final straw.

"Get your fucking hands off me!" I exclaimed, my face red out of anger and my fists balled up. I took a deep breath, trying desperately to calm myself somewhat; I had never hit a girl once in my seventeen years and I wanted it to stay that way. I ran my hands over my face and let out a low growl.

"What is your fucking problem lady? I just wanted to sleep for fuck's sake, is that against the law these days?"

The girl looked taken aback but soon her facial expressions reflected anger and hatred. "First of all my name is not lady, it's Katrina. Secondly, Mr. McMahon told me to come and wake you. He said that detention's been over for an hour now and you were free to go. Remind me never to do any favours for anyone around this shithole anymore. You're a fucking dickass anyway!" That being said she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

I laughed quietly and gathered my things off the desk. "Someone forgot to take their happy pills this morning. She was pretty fuckin' hot though, too bad she's a teacher's pet. Ah well, there's more fish in the sea." I hoisted my book bag over my shoulder and started down the hall. It was then that I remembered he was supposed to be giving me a ride home after school today. I'd recently come home stoned after band practice, forgetting that my parents were going to be around. Long story short I am now grounded for a month. No car, no television, no computer. I'm starting to feel like a prisoner in my own home, but that's beside the point.

I quickly ran out the doors to the main enterance, hoping against hope that he hadn't left me stranded here. I cut across the school yard to the parking lot, my heart racing a mile a minute. A smile came to my face as I saw him leaned up against his car, smoke in hand. "Thank God." I whispered to myself.

He looked up from his spot on the car when he heard my heavy footsteps. It was impossible to tell whether or not he was angry at me for holding him up; his face always wore that same calm and intuitive expression. He quickly stubbed out his cigarette and motioned for me to get into the car. "Where have you been?" He questioned.

I laughed a bit nervously and adujusted the collar of my shirt. "Well you see, I kind of sort of fell asleep in detention."

He studdied my face intensely before bursting out in a fit of laughter, "you moron. I had to wait an hour for your sorry ass because you fell asleep in detention?"

"It's not my fault Brian!" His name rolling off of my tongue made me blush slightly, but I attempted to push the inappropriate thoughts of one of my best friends out of my mind.

"Whose fault is it then Seward, your Mommy's? You know... If it's her fault then maybe she needs me to go and punish her." He smirked from beneath his favourite fedora.

"Fucking ew, Brian!" I punched him in the shoulder and he laughed even harder.

"You punch like a girl Christ."

"Yeah, well you look like a girl Gates."

Syn shrugged his shoulders, "Zacky doesn't seem to mind too much."

I felt a pang of jealousy course through my veins at the mention of his name, Zacky. Or, Zachary Baker if you would prefer. Zacky was what you'd call Brian's friend with "benefits." Boy, do I ever wish that I could get a piece of those benefits too. If I could just have one night with Brian, Zacky would be a distant memory; I may be small but I am an animal in the sack. What? It's true!

I laughed, "yeah, that's because Zacky is a lesbian!"

"Oh shut up!" Brian laughed and placed his hand on my knee. I directed my gaze upward and scrunched my nose up in confusion. He looked over at me and realized that he'd grabbed my knee. He blushed and went to move his hand away, then I saw a smirk ease its way up onto that perfect face of his. He squeezed my knee gently and grinned over at me.

He tipped his head to the side. "You don't mind do you?"

"No." I squeeked.

Brian smiled down at me, "good because neither do I." He then backed the car out of his parking spot and pulled out onto the highway.