You've Got a Perfect Skin With a Devil's Grin

Chapter 2

We were quickly approaching my house and I was dreading the moment that this all would end. I turned my head to face Syn, silently drinking in his beauty. 'oi]If only he knew', I sighed and slumped further into my seat. How exactly does on tell their best friend that they have feelings for them, much less gay feelings. I mean, I'm not gay so don't get me wrong here. However, that being said, I believe that I could possibly be bisexual. I haven't exactly told anyone this though; I'm not sure that I want to confess my love for Brian while also informing him that I like both boys and girls. Then again, I suppose telling him that I have a crush on him would definitely solve the whole sexuality debaucle. All I knew was that I did not want to get out of this car.

I ran a hand through my hair and groaned, why did I always have to forget that I had a mohawk? A slow smirk crawled across my face as a thought came to my mind. "Hey Bri, do you think we could stop by the mall before you drop me off?"

"Why do you need to go there?" Brian cocked his head at me.

"I'm... Out of hair products."

Brian's face turned a deep shade of red, his eyes began to water and I knew what was coming. "Oh my God!" He burst out laughing. "I'm out of hair products." He mocked.

I felt my face flush as I nervously scratched the back of my neck, avoiding Brian's gaze. "Well, it's just that I'm almost out and you know I hate walking around in public without my hair looking it's best."

"Fine, fine. We can stop at the mall my little fairy can get his beautifying products. I need a new guitar strap anyway, since you accidently set the last one on fire."

I laughed inwardly, "my bad?"

Brian ruffled my already messy hair and grinned, "how exactly did you manage that one anyway?"

"You know, I'm not exactly sure. All I can remember is tripping over your amp and spilling my beer all over the place. I got all pissed off and decided I needed a smoke... Oh!"

"Oh?" Brian regarded me, motioning for me to carry on.

"I couldn't find my lighter so I took some of Jimmy's matches, but that stupid sand paper sit on the pack wasn't working. So, I used the next best thing to light the match."

"The next best thing being a guitar strap? My guitar strap?"

"Yes, I suppose so." I nodded, biting back a giggle. "It's a good thing Matt keeps a fire extinguisher in his garage, otherwise your guitar would've been gone too."

Syn's face paled slightly and his eyes seemed to hold fear in them. He shook his head and smiled, rubbing my shoulder slightly, then patting it. "There would've been hell to pay if that would've happened, you know how much that guitar means to me."

"Yeah, yeah. Without that guitar there can be no sex, drugs or rock 'n' roll. Such a shame, really."

Syn smacked me upside the head and parked the car, "we're here now get the fuck out."

"I'm going as fast as I can, keep your pants on Synnie."


"Yes, that is what I said is it not?"

"Alrighty then, I kind of like it you know." Brian wrapped his arm around my shoulder and directed us toward the doors to the mall.

I smiled at the closeness. I could feel Brian's warmth through the thin material of my t-shirt, I'd be lying if I said that I disliked it. I tried to nudge slightly closer to his body without him noticing, which was a failed attempt. I accidently tripped on my shoelace, which just so happened to be untied. Thankfully Syn caught me before I hit the ground. He placedme back on my feet and gently rubbed my back. He pulled me close to his bulky frame and smiled down at me. I returned the favour greatfully, hoping he would see that I was thankful for him catching me.

"Where to Synnie-boy?"

"I figured we could go to Wal-Mart for your hair products, and afterward we could swing by Steve's and pick up a new guitar strap on your tab."

"Fair enough, I was the one who destroyed the other strap anyway."

Syn and I walked down the heavily conjested aisles of wal-mart, searching for the hair products. I found it before Syn did, dragging him behind me by the arm. I didn't want to get seperated from him; I hated being in big stores alone. Something about them just gave me the creeps. We were discussing the difference between hair glue and hair gel when something caught my attention. A tiny frame with a head full of long mostly pink and blonde hair. I groaned and Syn put down the tube of hair glue he was holding.

"Is something wrong?"

I grabbed the tube of hair glue that Syn had placed on the shelf seconds before and quickly scanned the area around me, when the coast was clear I shook my head in the negative. "No, nothing's wrong let's just pay and get the fuck out of here."

We were quickly approaching the exit when a shrill voice was heard behind me. 'Fan-fucking-tastic' I thought to myself. I was having the greatest time with Syn; we rarely got some alone time between school, the band and Zacky. All for what? To have it spoiled by that bitch's very presence.

"Oh my, look what the cat dragged in. If it isn't dickass, the one and only!" She sneered.

"Come on Syn, we're leaving."