You've Got a Perfect Skin With a Devil's Grin

Chapter 3

"What the fuck happened back there?"

"I'll tell you later!" I shouted back in distress.

I quietly gave Syn a once-over, noting the sweat forming on his brow and the haggard state of his hair. We continued to sprint down the slowly emptying halls of the shopping center, Katrina hot on our pursuit. Brian and I weaved inbetween people, dodging various obstacles, staking out a place to hide. I quickly glanced back over my shoulder, Katrina was still on our tails but she was quickly losing speed. I sighed in relief and grabbed Brian by the hand, pulling him into Steve's guitar store. I slid to a stop once inside the store and bent over, panting outrageously.

"Okay Johnny, you have some explaining to do," Syn gasped out.

I took a deep breath and nodded, "her name is Katrina. Mr. McMahon sent her to wake me up about an hour after my detention ended. I sort of snapped at her because she kept poking me continuously. You know how much I hate being touched. Then she pulls this crap about how I'm a 'dick ass' and storms out of the room as if I insulted her fucking Mother, or something."

Brian smiled and poked me in the shoulder, "oooh, I just touched you Johnny-Boy. Whatever are you going to do about it?"

I gave Brian a warning look (all the while hoping that he'd do it again) and smacked his ass before running away toward the guitar straps. I could hear Syn following behind me and I grinned to myself. 'I can't believe that I just smacked his ass' I thought to myself. I shrugged and turned around, watching as Syn approached the place where I was standing. Eyeing the rack of brightly coloured guitar straps. Picking up a zebra striped guitar strap I looked at Syn and he shook his head.

"I do not do patterns man, it's been done and done again."

"Picky, picky."

"Damn straight I am. The guitar strap is almost equally as important as the guitar itself."

"Okay, how's about this one?" I held up a black studded strap, the studs gleaming in the artificial lighting.

"I don't do studs either, too cliche. Plus they poke into you and stuff."

I groaned, "you're so indicisive. Just pick one and let's go."

He chuckled at me before selecting a plain black strap from the rack, walking toward the cash with it. I threw my hands up in the air in defeat, following closely behind him. All that fuss over a stupid guitar strap and then he goes and picks out the most boring one there! Then again, I probably would've picked the black one as well.

On our way out of the mall I stood frozen in fear. There she was, leaning against the lamp post at the main enterance of the mall. She had a cigarette in her hand, idlely flicking the ashes onto the ground while she examined her nails. I nudged Brian and cocked my head in Katrina's direction. I pressed a finger to my lips and pointed toward the car, hoping to slink away unnoticed. Of course, this would be the time that Brian decided to accidently run into the garbage can beside us, a loud clanging penetrating the atmosphere around us. Katrina looked up from her hand, a menacing grin on her face as she noticed us standing there.

"Fuck! Brian, you're a dumbass!"

Katrina stubbed out her cigarette and started walking in our direction. I pulled Brian behind me and we were off for the second time today. My heart began to beat violently against my rib cage. Katrina chased us all the way through the parking lot and I was starting to have doubts about making it out alive. The lack of oxygen was starting to get to my brain, or so I thought anyhow. 'I really need to stop smoking so much, now I understand why they say it's bad for you.' I thought to myself.

Out of the corner of my eye I observed Brian's glorious form, bathed in the yellow glow of the sun. His skin looked so flawless and for a moment time stood still; all thoughts and surroundings were forgotten. My quiet studies of his perfect skin were iterrupted when he spoke.

"Johnny, get in the fucking cart!" I shot a confused look toward Syn.

I climbed into the shopping cart and watched as Syn began to run toward Katrina's approaching outline. I stared up in shock at Syn's overly delighted facial expression. The gleam in his eyes told me that he was about to do something that perhaps he shouldn't. before my mind had time to register what was about to take place, the shopping cart was being hurled in Katrina's direction with me inside. I hastily jumped out of the cart before it impacted Katrina's body, landing in some prickly bushes.

I stood up, dusting the knees of my pants off. Syn swooped me up in his arms and hoisted me over his shoulder. He ran toward the car, dropping me in the passenger's seat and swerving out of the parking lot. Once we were back on the highway he looked at me and burst out laughing. I shook my head and joined in his chorus of guffaws. After our laughter died down Syn gave me a sideways glance.

"So, wanna come back to my place and we can chill? You can stay the night if you want."

"Yeah sure, I'd like that."

Syn winked at me and we continued the journey back to his place in silence.