You've Got a Perfect Skin With a Devil's Grin

Chapter 4

"Oh my God, as if you just did that!" I exclaimed in a sleep-laced voice.

I rubbed at my eyes to clear the sleep from them. I peered up at Synyster and wished that he would wipe that smirk off of his face. Is it wrong to say that everything about this buy turns me on? Either way I suppose I don't care about people's opinions, excluding Synyster himself of course. His opinions matter most to me and sometimes it really sucks. Trying to be perfect all the time is a lot of work, unfortunately for myself I am the farthest thing from perfection. At least I can't say that I don't try...

"You know you liked it Johnny boy!" Syn teased.

"Oh yeah, because everyone loves being hoisted up out of bed at 5:00 a.m. Tangled up into the blankets of their best friend's bed and dropped onto the ground! Especially when they were sleeping beforehand and didn't even see the attack coming."

By this time Brian was beside himself with laughter, rolling around on the ground like the damn dog that he was. Okay, so maybe he wasn't a dog per say, however if he was a dog at least he'd be a cute one. I quickly shimmied out of the neverending expanse of blankets and jumped onto Syn. He squealed in surprise and I grinned.

"Did I scare you?"

"Hell no, biatch! You know that the almighty Synyster Gates is never scared; he thrives off of others' fears."

"Are you feeding off of my fear right now almighty one?"

"No, why?"

"Just wondering; your face seems to scare the shit out of me on the daily. I figured you- being almighty and all- would have picked up on it."

Brian feigned a hurt expression, "and all of this time I thought you found me attractive. Well, this is no good, no good at all. How am I supposed to have my way with you now? You won't even enjoy it! I suppose I could always blindfold you and tie you up, you seem like the kinky type."

I slowly swallowed the lump that had somehow made itself present during Brian's rant. My eyes felt as though they were buldging out of my skull and my palms were reduced to a sweaty mess. I could feel my heart beating in my chest, threatening to spring free from it's confines at any moment. I drew in a deep breath and opened my mouth to speak; words threatened to spill from my mouth yet none came. I must have looked like a starstruck fangirl in that moment but I couldn't help it. The love of my life had just said that he wanted to have sex with me, I had no idea whether it was a joke or not; his tone was unidentifiable. I hoped with all of my being that he was surious to some degree.

I hastily snapped out of my daze when Brian called me back down to Earth (sorry Scotty, you'll just have to beam me up another day). He was waving his hands in front of my face, a quizzical expression worn on his features. I sighed and ran a shaky hand through my hair before fixing a grin upon my face.

"Sorry, must've spaced out for a second. What were you saying?" I thought I was going to be sick; it felt as though an entire group of boyscouts were practicing knot-tying for the first time using the inside of my stomach. I groaned at the feeing but tried to push it to the back of my mind.

An all-knowing smiled formed on Brian's lips; he looked like an angel. If only he could act the part more often; I wouldn't be reduced to a mushy mess in front of him. If there was one thing that people didn't know about me, it was how easily embarrassed I get. Brian knows from years of experience; he's usually the one making my face resemble that of a ripe, red tomato. I wish that red were my colour, at least then I could wear it well; it wouldn't be so much a badge of weakness then.

"It's okay, I have something for you though."

I cocked my head to the side, wondering what it was that he could possibly have for me. You never could be too sure with Brian, he always had some sort of lame trick up his sleeve however, the story written on his face told me different. His face was stoney with a hint of passion glowing in his eyes. For once his trademark smirk had drained from his visage. Leaving him with a look of pure seriousness on his face.


I was cut off when I felt his lips attach themselves to mine. I was pulled into his body by his great arms, enveloped in his sweet scent. I quickly pulled back in shock and gazed deeply into those profound chocolate orbs. I laced my fingers in his hair and kissed his thin lips again, pressing myself as close to his warmth as I could. I felt Brian smile into the kiss causing me to grin as well. I quietly reached for the bottom of his shirt, sliding it up off of his well-toned torso, breaking the lip-lock only to discard the garment. My hands began to roam his chest, mapping out the inked skin beneath them. I gently circled one of his nipples with my fingers, a low groan escaping from Brian.

Before we could get any further, the door to Brian's bedroom opened and in walked Zacky. Everyone in the room grew silent as we stared at each other. Shock, confusion and betrayal gracing our thoughts and expressions. This wasn't going to end pleasantly, I knew it.