You've Got a Perfect Skin With a Devil's Grin

Chapter 5

"Brian, w-what are you doing with him?" Zacky glared at me and fixed his gaze upon Brian.

"I, uh... We were making out Zacky." Brian looked down at the carpet.

"Why were you two doing that, I thought that I was the one you cared about?"

"I do care about you baby."

Zacky's eyes filled with tears, threatening to spill at any given moment, he walked up to me and slapped me across the face. I stared back at him in shock, searching his green orbs for a reason; why had he just slapped me[/u>]across the face? It was Brian who had initiated the kiss, he was the one responsible for all of this. I knew that he and Zacky had a love affair on the side but I assumed that it was just careless self-indulgence. Perhaps I was wrong?

Brian looked to me, holding my cheek in shock, then back to Zacky whose face was flushed and streaked with fresh tears. He sat on the edge of the bed and placed his head in his hands. I walked over to Brian and ran my hands through his hair, hoping that it would console him if only for a few mere seconds. Brian took in a deep breath and quietly exhaled. I placed a faint kiss to the top of his head, "I think that I'm going to go home Bri; you need some time alone to sort this out with Zacky."

"Yeah, that's right. You go on home you fucking slut." Zacky shot at me.

I won't lie, the words cut me like a knife on the inside. Zacky was one of my best friends, I didn't want to lose him. Just when I thought things were looking up for me, when I thought that there was a chance that Brian could love me back, everything comes crashing back down. I grabbed my things, stuffed my hands deep into the pockets of my worn out jeans and walked out of the room. I could hear Zacky yelling at Brian about cheating on him, asking him if all of the times he had told him he'd loved him were just a lie, begging to know if he was just a cheap fuck. I hastily left the house, slamming the door behind me and walked across the green lawn until I reached the sidewalk.

The wind whipped the collar of my jacket into my face as I slowly walked away from Brian's house. Zacky's words playing in my mind like a broken record. I sniffed as I felt the first batch of tears wash over my pale complexion. As the tears cascaded down onto my cheeks, they blurred my vision making it almost impossible for me to see. I silently weeped as I quickly wiped at my eyes, hoping that the would soon try up. My hopes did not come true as violent sobs wracked my body. By this time I could not see anything, I continued to walk, my gaze fixed on the ground. I felt myself collide into a warm body, I snapped my gaze upward, trying hard to focus my vision. The tears continued to leak from my eyes, unbeknownst to me and the stranger sighed. They wrapped me up in their arms and cooed telling me that everything would be okay. My cries slowly subsided to a dull roar and I could soon make out the face of the girl who was embracing me. I gasped in shock as I took in the face of Katty.

"I'm sorry that he found out."

"Excuse me?" I asked in shock.

"Zacky, I am sorry that he caught you and Brian together."

"H-how did you know?"

"It is quite obvious, your love for Brian."

I blushed slightly, "that still doesn't explain how you know that Zacky caught us."

"I live nextdoor to Brian." She shrugged but continued. "I saw him, Zacky I mean, let himself into Brian's house and I knew that you had spent the night because I saw the two of you enter his house holding hands. I easily put two and two together after I saw you emerge from the house minutes later, looking quite distraught."

"Oh, yeah. Zacky and Brian have been sleeping for quite a while now, we all know about it, no one has ever brought it up though. I have always been jealous of Zacky; I have loved Brian from afar for so long that it hurts. I finally thought we were getting somewhere and then Zacky showed up. He slapped me you know, right in the face and he called me a slut."

"Aw, hunny you're not a slut. You didn't know that Zacky had feelings for Brian did you?"

"No, I just figured that they were fuck buddies, you know? It didn't seem like Zacky loved Brian, now I am starting to think that Brian may return his feelings; he never even tried to stop me when I said I was leaving."

She drew me tighter into her arms. "Everything will work itself out in time you just have got to have faith. He might not have stopped you because he wanted to sort out things with Zacky first, he was also probably very confused. I'm sure he's hurting just as much as you are right now babe."

I hugged her back and kissed her cheek, she looked down at me in shock and blushed. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"To be honest kid, I'm not even sure. You piss me the fuck off but you're too cute to be sad I guess."

I smiled, "you think I'm cute?"

"Yeah but don't make me repeat that ever again."

I blushed, "I think you're cute too Katty and thanks."

"Don't mention it dollface, do you want me to walk you home?"

I nodded and she grabbed my hand, lacing her fingers with my own. I couldn't stop myself from smiling as we walked to my house hand-in-hand. I loved Brian but there was something about this girl that made my heart dance with joy and my smile grow in size.