You've Got a Perfect Skin With a Devil's Grin

Chapter 6

"So, this is where little Johnny Seward lives? Not too shabby Johnny."

Johnny blushed and smiled, "the compliments should be direct toward my parents hun, after all it's their house. I just live here."

Katty nodded, "I suppose you are right about that one my good boy."

I removed my shoes, tugging Katty up the flight of stairs which lead to my bedroom. Pushing the door open, I walked into the room and flopped down onto my water bed. I motioned for Katty to join me and she smiled before pouncing down on top of me. I made a short squeaking noise in suprise causing Katty to giggle.

"You're such a girl, dollface."

"And you're such a man Katty Havok," I scoffed.

"Personally, I am offended by that last statement. You should count yourself lucky that I no longer hate you, otherwise you'd be nursing a very painful bruise right now."

I smirked, "if only we could all be so lucky."

"You best believe that I would kick your tiny little ass, small fry."

I flipped Katty over so that she was now laying beneath me, instead of on top of my chest. Pinning her down I smiled victoriously above her, "so is it safe to say that you've looked then?"

Katty stared blankly into my brown eyes, "what are you talking about?"

Still looking down upon her, I grinned. "You said that you could kick my tiny ass, that statement clearly suggested that you have indeed checked out my 'package'. Have you?"

Katty's eyes glinted, mischief hidden behind them. Katty reached above her and grabbed my ass, a look of pure concentration written on her face. "You don't really have much on ass for someone to look at Seward. Although, I am sure it is cute and small, I will give you that much."

I rolled off of Katty and on to my side, my eyes never leaving hers. "You just groped my ass!"

"And you liked it."

"I know, that is the scary part."

Katty cocked an eyebrow,"it can't be that scary if you aren't bitching me out. Besides, you totally think I'm hot. Don't even lie."

I sighed in defeat, "I give up."

Katty smiled softly and I mirrored her actions, scooting my body closer to Katty's. Placing an arm around Katty's small frame, I pulled the older girl into my arms. Once the distance between the two of us was closed, I ran a hand down her cheek. Katty laced her fingers with mine and smiled again. Something about her smile makes my stomach twist and contort into knots; I'd be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy it. She seems so forbidden and that drives me crazy. Losing myself inmy thoughts, I leaned even closer to Katty, pressing my lips to hers in an eager kiss. Katty gasped in shock, holding me out at arms length.

"Why did you just kiss me?"

My eyes slowly began to fill with tears of fear and confusion. "I don't know. Please don't be mad!"

Katty's facial expression softened and she gathered me into her arms, "I'm not mad dollface but next time warn a sister before you do that!"

"I'm sorry, you just looked so beautiful laying there. I have no idea what came over me."

"You don't have to be sorry, let's just forget it ever happened. I know that you're in a vulnerable state because of what happened earlier at Brian's."

I smiled softly at her and she squeezed me tighter. We sat there for many minutes, Katty leaning with her head resting on the headboard and me gathered in her arms. I felt childish but at the same time I'd never felt so excited. I couldn't explain what I was feeling, all I knew was that I loved whatever it was. After many moments of silence Katty gazed down at me and broke the silence, "do it again?"

"Excuse me?"

"Kiss me Johnny."