You've Got a Perfect Skin With a Devil's Grin

Chapter 7

The weekend had passed by slowly, the weather was extremely shitty, forcing me to be stuck inside the house for two whole days. Katty had spent the night and we were now laying in bed beside each other. I smiled as I watched Katty sleep. All I could focus on was how innocent she looked when she wasn't speaking. I laughed at my thoughts, shaking my head in the progress. I felt so cliche laying beside her, watching her chest rise and fall, the slight smile evident on her lips causing me to imagine what she could be dreaming about. My thoughts were broken as I felt her begin to stir, yet she wasn't showing signs of awaking any time soon. I ran a hand through her multi-coloured hair and I heard her sigh before mumbling something incoherently. Curiously, I proped my head up on my pillow, leaning in so that I could hear her more clearly.

"Johnny, you're so cute," she mumbled in a sleep-laced state, a slight grin on her face.

I felt my heart start to beat right out of my chest at these words. My palms began to grow moist and I groaned, this really couldn't be happening, could it? I'm too young to fall in love and if I tell her how I feel she may either laugh at me or think I am just on the rebound. I brought my hands up to eye-level, studying the perspiration in shear confusion. Slowly I wiped them on the comforter, sparing a glance to the clock on my night stand. My eyes widened as I realized that it was one in the afternoon. I hastily jumped out of bed, pulling on the nearest clothing that I could find. Standing in front of the mirror I admired my appearance and grinned.

I walked lazily back over to my bed, flopping back down onto it and watching the torrents of water ripple inside the matress, crashing out but having nowhere to spill out. Katty groaned, "what the fuck was that for douche bag?"

I shrugged, "it's time to wake up sweets."

Katty pulled the covers over her head, but not before launching a pillow at my face, narrowly missing. "Fuck you, fuck wake up, no. Go 'way!" She yelled from under the covers, her words muffled by my pillow.

I walked over to her side of the bed and sighed, I pulled the covers back from her body and hoisted her out of the bed. She buried her head into my chest so that only her bushy hair was showing. "Lemme sleep Johnny-face." She spoke into my chest.

"Believe me, I really would love to. I'd like to be asleep right now too but we're really late for school and I can't afford to miss another math class. I'm almost failing as it is."

Katty slapped my chest, "fine, you might as well put me down then."

I nodded and let her slip gracefully out of my arms. I watched as she walked arond my room, collecting her articles of clothing off of the floor. Looking back over in my direction she cocked an eyebrow. My eyes met her gaze and I shot her a questioning look.


Katty tilted her head back and burst out laughing, "Johnny-face, I knew that you wanted to get into my pants, but I didn't think you would have went about it in this way."

By now I was really confused, I looked down at my pants and blushed a deep crimson. "I must've grabbed the wrong pair..."

Katty waved a hand at me, "it's fine. They look hot on you. I'll just wear a pair of yours."

"So, does that mean that you want to get into my pants then?"

Katty shrugged, "we'll just have to wait and see Mr. Seward."

I laughed at her words and walked over to her, placing a chaste kiss on her cheek. She wrapped her tiny arms around me and did the same before skipping out of my room. I followed behind her as she skipped down the hall and into the kitchen.

"I know we're hella late but I am so fucking hungry I could eat you!" Katty explaimed, her head hidden inside the refridgerator.

"Please do." I smirked.

She looked at me amusedly and smacked my shoulder, "perv?"

"Sure," I nodded.

Katty pulled some leftover pizza out of the fridge and hopped up onto the counter, letting her legs dangle below her. As she munched on the pizza my cell phone went off. I spared a glance to her and she spoke through a mouthfull of food, "answer it moron."

I grinned and shook my head, "hello, Johnny's house of pleasure. Johnny speaking."

"Babe, that is the most retarded thing you have ever said to date."

"Oh, hey Syn."

Katty scoffed at the mention of Syn's name, crossing her arms over her chest and rolling her eyes. "Sorry," I mouthed in her direction. Smiling she pointed at her eye, made a heart with her fingers and then pointed at me. I smirked and returned the gesture.

"Hey Johnny man, are you listening?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. What were you saying?"

"I was just sitting here thinking of you and I figured since you didn't come into school today I might ditch. I thought I could come visit you?"

"Well, I kind of sort of have someone over at the moment. Plus we'll be at school before lunch ends. We slept in is all."

Syn grew quiet on the other end, "we?"

I mentally slapped myself, realizing that Syn knew nothing of Katty. Other than the fact that we hate or well, hated each other. I searched through my mind, desperately trying to conceive an excuse but fell way short. "Yeah, Katty and I..."

Syn remained quiet, "she stayed the night?" He whispered finally.

"She did."

"I just forgot, I have plans with Zacky anyway. See you around." Then the line went dead.