You've Got a Perfect Skin With a Devil's Grin

Chapter 8

I sat sandwiched between Jimmy and Matt the next day. Katty sat in front of me brandishing a french fry. Slowly she dipped the piece of fried potato into the puddle of ketchup on her plate, bringing it to her lips and then flinging it in my direction. I ducked as the fry narrowly missed my hair, landing instead on the front of a very pissed off Zacky's shirt. Staring down at the red stain Zacky's eyes ignited with rage.

"That was a brand new fucking shirt you whore!"

Katty quickly rose from the table, "what did you just fucking call me?"

"Oh I believe that you heard me."

Snapping his gaze toward mine he took a step forward, arms folded neatly across his chest. "And you. I should fucking kill you for what you've done to Brian."

Jimmy and Matt sat idly by, watching the scene unfold. The two exchanged glances of confusion before returning their attention to Zacky and I.

"He's at home alone right now crying his eyes out and for what? A few meaningless kisses and gropes?"

Katty stood still, watching for my reaction. A sigh escaped my mouth and I shook my head. "Zacky, I know it looks bad. Shit, it is bad. But I never meant to hurt him, it was the last thing on my mind."

"Yeah, we-" Zacky started.

"Just hear me out man."

Zacky nodded, motioning for me to continue. "I really did have feelings for him, I even told him that straight out at the start. He seemed to return them but he was still sleeping with you on the side. As much as I still like him I need to move on, and I am."

Zacky's features softened a bit but his emerald orbs were still as cold as ice. "You could have told him this yourself you know."

I nodded in agreement, "I could have, I should have but I didn't. You have no idea how badly I feel about doing this to him but I hurt you too."

Searching deep into my soul, Zacky's eyes met mine, "I don't know what you mean."

"Yes Zacky, you do. There's a reason you're standing here accosting me and Brian isn't."

"The only reason I am even speaking to you is because Brian couldn't hold himself together long enough to do it."

"That very well may be half true, however you're really here because deep down inside you want to be. I know how you feel about him Zacky; he's your bestfriend but you wish that there was more there. Believe me, I understand what you're going through more than you will ever know."

Zacky shook his head, "you're wrong man, all wrong."

"Please shut up Zacky. The only ones you're fooling are Brian and yourself. You'd have to be an idiot to think that Brian would carry this along for such a long period of time if he didn't have feelings for you, and you for him. Don't waste your time here with me, go home to him; he needs you."

"What Brian and I do together is none of your concern Johnny."

"True enough Zacky but you know I'm right this time. The two of you belong together; you're perfect for each other and somewhere inside you both know it."

Zacky exhaustedly sat at the table, resting his head on its cool surface. I hesitantly placed a hand on his back, gently rubbing back and forth. Zacky moaned, "I want him to love me, Johnny."

"I know you do man, I know. I really think you've stolen his heart, go back to him and tell him. He needs to hear it from you."

Zacky shakily stood from the table, swinging his backpack over his left shoulder. "I hope you're right Johnny."

"Everything will be fine man, now go."

Zacky nodded and took off, leaving the cafeteria on his way back to Brian's.

I felt Katty sit down beside me, resting her head on my shoulder and kissing the exposed skin there. I shivered in pleasure. Katty smiled up at me and I gently pecked the top of her head. I felt the heavy breath of a sigh slip past her lips, her breath ghosting upon my arm.

"What's wrong hun?"

"Is there ever going to be one day in our lives that isn't filled with drama?"

"Welcome to high school."

Katty slapped my shoulder playfully, "I want to go home, smart ass."

"But Katty, I can't miss math class!"

"Oh, quit your whining and ditch with me, it gets lonely when you're not around."

"Fine, fine. I'll ditch with you but you better make it worth my while." I stated while wagging a finger in her face.

Katty grinned, taking my finger between her lips and sucking lightly. "Yes sir!"

Saluting me she took off at a run, looking back over her shoulder to see if I was following her. I laughed and took off after her retreating form, "wait up douche bag!"