You've Got a Perfect Skin With a Devil's Grin

Chapter 9

It's been a week since the confrontation between Zacky and I at school. He still isn't speaking openly with me; he's reduced our communication to glares and sighs. I'm not sure if he has told Brian of his feelings or not but words has it that he did and Brian took it the wrong way. Maybe that is a contributing factor to Zacky's moodiness. Whatever the case I have to speak with him because I really miss my group of friends, everyone is tiptoeing around the subject as if treading on thin ice. I know what happened between Brian and I shouldn't have but in my defence he didn't exactly treat me like a prince, someone who loves you doesn't want to keep a fuck buddy on the side.

I walked through the doors to the school, heading toward my locker. It was a Monday morning and there was nothing I hated more. On my way down the hall I felt an arm reach out, seizing my arm and tugging me into the boys bathroom. I looked around in confusion, finding no one to blame for my involuntary trip to the facilities. I ran a hand through my hair that was product free today and turned to leave. As I got to the doorway I heard a faint noise, very a kin to a whimper. I walked backward, poking my head around the corner. Brian was slumped against the counter, the water running in the sing below him, salty tears falling down his face and mingling with the pure water.

He looked up, hastily wiping at his face. He tried to smile but it was crooked and awkward; a stark contrast to the smooth and confident Synyter. I gasped at my friend's state; I hadn't seen Brian since he last spoke to me on the phone over a week ago. I didn't want to sound harsh but Brian by all accounts looked like shit and then some. I waked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. The once strong figure shook beneath my touch, overcome by sobs. This wasn't my Brian, this wasn't the boy I'd fallen head over heels for. Where was the cockiness, the swagger, that bravado and charm? He was a mess and I wasn't quite sure what to do about it, or if this sad state of affairs had anything to do with me.

I placed my arms around his considerably large form (much larger than my own anyhow) and pushed him up onto the counter top. He bent forward, slumped over into a ball in front of me. I sighed, pushing the hair back from his face. Securing it there, I began gently blotting the tears from his cheeks, wiping away the streaks of black eyeliner that had been washed away by the sea of tears. I pulled him forward slowly, wrapping my arms around his warm body. I put my ear to his chest and listened as his breath hitched, his heart rate speeding up ever so slightly.

I felt him place a kiss on my head and I buried my head into his chest, desperately trying to subdue the tears that were threatening to leak from my eyes. "Johnny" I heard him whisper.

I looked up and our eyes met, keeping his gaze locked onto mine I whispered "Brian", a choked out sob bursting forth.

Brian clutched at my back, squeezing me tighter and tighter. It was getting hard to breathe but I couldn't have cared less in that moment. "Why?" He spoke softly.

"What do you mean?" I murmured.

"Why did you leave me alone?"

"Oh Brian, I didn't. I have to forget about you, if not for you then for Zacky. He loves you and I know you feel the same."

Brian shook his head, "I don't. I thought I did but I don't. I can't replace my thoughts of you with him."

"We can't do this Brian, it will hurt Zacky and Katty." I sighed.

Brian drew in a shaky breath and laughed coldly, "Katty, fuck her for ever coming here." He jumped down from the counter top, roughly shoving me out of the way. I fell backward, my head colliding with the corner of the bathroom stall behind me. I gasped in pain and shock, reaching behind my head, rubbing the source of the pain. When I brought my fingers back to my line of vision they were stained in crimson.

"I miss you Brian" I spoke faintly and just as everything began to spin I could see Brian rushing toward me, a panicked expression adorning his perfect features.

He scooped me into his arms, carrying me out of the washroom and into the hall. I could hear voices all around me but everything was a blur; nothing made sense.

"I'm so, so sorry Johnny." Was the last thing I heard before the world around me went black. There were no noises, no lights, no thoughts racing through my mind, not even a sense of touch could be found.