Sleep Walker

The accident

She was gone.. I gazed at the empty car seat where my sister had just put crayon to pair to draw the worlds first pink and purple lion. But that wasn’t important right now, we were on an excruciatingly long drive down to New England, in great hope that my sisters sleepwalking would be cured by ‘’the coutries best doctor’’
Now I know that sleepwalking doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it is when your eight year old sister is inches from walking off a cliff with nothing but endless darkness below, or in this case walks off into the unknown wilderness of New England. We had an accident, I imagined a small girl about my sisters age running across the long empty highway, I turned the wheel of my car in shock, I could have sworn the child smiled at me, but she was gone before I realised I was about to crash into a tall sequoia tree, It was too late to react.
I woke under a dark faintly star lit sky, In the middle of a dense forest, I caught a glimpse of myself in the cracked rearview mirror hanging from the roof of my car to see a large bloody gash at the side of my head, It hurt like hell, but it was nothing compared to how I felt when I looked nervously to my right to see an empty car seat, and an open door. I tried to escape the twisted metal clutch of my car, but my seat belt wasn’t having it, It was several minutes before I finally managed to get out of the 1967 impala.
I began frantically calling for my sister in hope that she was nearby, but it was no use, she was gone. I started to worry, I didn’t know this area at all, and I needed to find her, fast.. Before something happens to her.
I turned around and examined the area around my car, only to find more and more dense forest, but I saw a gap in the trees, I had to make a decision, stay here and hope she finds her way back, or go into the forest looking for her which also puts me in danger. I went to observe the opening I had found in the trees, There seemed to be a small narrow path leading beyond where my eyes could see, I decided to follow it and hope for the best.
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I know its short.. but these chapters will be short because the story isnt that long.. <3