Sleep Walker

The path

I pushed the long thorny branches away from me and pulled myself onto the path, I started walking slowly and nervously, the only light that guided me was whatever moonlight could shine through the tall canopy of trees above me, the path was covered in autumn leaves and twigs which didn’t help at all when they decided to scare the hell out of my by crunching ever few minutes.
I could hear the sound of woodland creatures gathering food, dragging across the forest floor. I began to feel uncomfortable, until I saw something.. A gate? A gate usually leads to some sort of residence.. People? Maybe they have seen my sister..Maybe they have my sister! I started running with enthusism toward the gate, I heard footsteps behind me, I turned swiftly only to be greeted by darkness. I continued on cautiously with the idea of not being alone playing in the back of my mind.
I finally reached the gate, Which looked like it hadn’t been touched in years, It was a very old rusty gate hanging between two crumbling stone pillars, with a large bronze padlock. Fortunately it was breakable with a good hit. I entered what seemed to be a family cemetery, filled with coutless worn gravestones. And statues covered with moss. The grass was nearly as dense as the forest, My hopes of finding people in this dwelling were dimming, But I wanted to be sure so I made my way up to the large mansion, The door was a large wooden Victorian style door with two pillars at either side, on the tops of these pillars were gargoyle creatures, also worn and covered in ivy draping from the front of the house.
Since I still had a hint of hope that the house was occupied, I rang the doorbell only to be startled by a deafening sound which rang on and on. The large Victorian door creaked open on its own accord, with nobody behind it, I reluctantly stepped inside and the door shut behind me.