Sleep Walker

The house

There was a vast hallway in front of me filled with pieces of furniture covered with white dusty sheets.
After thoroughly examining the room I had unfortunately entered, I approached the most recognisable object in sight. It was a large old portrait hanging on what was soon to be nothing. There was a man depicted in the painting. He stood tall and proud, wearing a long black robe, his facial featured were more than memorable, you could see a sence of terror and evil in his eyes, His mouth was thin but his front two teeth showed and curved in to meet each other. His skin tone was not like anything I had seen before, pale as a ghost but with a hint of green.
I cautiously took a step back, and before my foot could hit the old creaky floor behind me, A young girl running across the second floor landing caught my eye. I knew who it was, That distinctive run, I’d know it anywhere, but once I reached the top of the stairs she was gone.
I proceded to check all seven rooms upstairs, I began with what seemed to be the master bedroom, again white sheets covered most of the furniture except for a small chest of drawers beside the bed, lying on top of it was a small copper key, I presumed it unlocked the basement door. A part of me really rejected the idea of me going down there, but if it could help find my sister I was going down without my authoristaion or not.
I proceeded down the stairs, trying to ignore the voices in my head telling me to leave, It was inevitable. I slowly approached the door leading to the basement, I slotted the key into the keyhole and turned it to hear the familiar click.
The door opened slowly but jammed halfway, I just about fit through and made my way down the poorly lit staircase,