Status: Hey I was just inspired to write this. I don't know how or where this is going. If you like it, comment it?



“I loved you, you know?” I spoke, my fingers still hidden beneath my sleeves. Jesse just shook his head, still out of it as he clicked away at the keyboard for the computer. Turning my body to face his, I leaned forward, staring intently at the creased brow on his face.

“Mm, pardon me?” Jesse asked, not bothering to look away from the bright screen that had his attention.

“I loved you,” I replied, plucking a string off of his black shirt. He didn’t know how to react, I could see it in his face.

“You loved me? As in the past-tense of love?” He replied, finally peeling away his green and brown eyes from the bright screen to look at me.

“Yes. I loved you,” I nodded, sniffling quietly. It wasn’t harsh, no, it was just matter-of-factly.

“So you don’t love me now?” Jesse inquired, “as in you stopped loving me?” He added.

“Well I did, until a few minutes ago,” I stated, rubbing my forehead.

“Evelyn, I don’t understand what you’re getting at,” Jesse looked at the computer screen, clicking away at his mouse as he closed windows that had been opened up.

“What I’m getting at is that I loved you until a few minutes ago. Plain and simple, Jesse,” I retorted, reaching forward to push the ‘power’ button on the tower of his computer. He let out a frustrated and angry groan, rubbing his creased forehead as he leaned back in his swirl chair.

“I heard you the first time. What I’m asking Is why don’t you love me now?” He explained, turning in his chair to face me. I smiled, eyeing him.

“Well, you stopped paying attention to me an hour and a half ago. I’ve been sitting here waiting for your acknowledgement for the past thirty or so minutes but to no avail I didn’t get it. So I decided that I stopped loving you because I was trying to tell you something of great importance,” I stated as I puffed up my cheeks.

“Oh? You know I’m writing something for school, so I can’t be really concentrated on you. It’s due tomorrow and I still have about ten-thousand words to go,” Jesse said, his eyes scanning my face. He was trying to see what I was feeling, but gave up and added, “and what was this something of great importance?”

“Well, since we’ve been together and all for nine months, I figured it was time for me to say I love you. But I don’t anymore, so that ship has set sail,” I explained. I ran my fingers through his brown, wavy hair and took off his reading glasses.

“Oh, well I love you… Still, and am wondering how I can gain your love back,” he nodded, rubbing his eyes as he leaned closer.

“Well, you can say it like you mean it and take me out for some ice cream,” I repeated his nod, smiling a wide smile.

“Evelyn Rose Luck, I love you, and have loved you since the first day I laid eyes on you. Which, in fact, was two and a half years ago,” Jesse leaned closer, a crooked grin playing at his lips. “Now, will you forgive me and come and get ice cream with me?” He asked, tilting his head to the side.

“Yes, Jesse Richard Tucker, I will come and get ice cream with you,” I smiled, kissing his lips softly.
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Haha cute<3