Regrets A Waste Of Time

What's Goin' On

“Lizzy!” I heard Zack yell as he came inside my house. He is here so often he just lets himself in, my parents don’t even get angry when he waltz’s straight into the house in the middle of the night on a school night, it’s just how Zack is. He is pretty oblivious to the world around him as a whole.

“Lizzy!” I hear two times louder.

“You know where to find me Z, in the computer room like always.” I say, mumbling the second half under my breath.

“Hello love,” he says plopping himself down in my lap. I look over towards the door and see David standing there with a slightly hurt look in his eyes. Okay so I officially hate whoever made him have that sad look, he looks like a little puppy.

I push Zack off my lap and scowl at him, “Zacky you are way to heavy to be sitting in my lap!” I say gruffly. “But I see you have brought my a present.”

Zack looked back over at David making him blush. He is to cute I bet he is fighting the girls off of him!

“Well, technically he drove me so he brought you the gift of me,” he said with a huge grin.

“Oh.. How.. Kind of you David,” I said.

“Ha, your welcome,” he said shyly.

“So why don’t you and I get started on our project ideas while Zacky here goes and finds us some snacks,” I said winking at him.

“What? No!” Zack said indignantly at the same moment David giggled and nodded his head in agreement.

“Come on Zacky let the grown-ups talk for a while David wants you to get him food,” I said.

“Um, okay then I guess I will,” he said walking off. Hmm that was odd Zack never acts shy around me.

“So David, what would you like to do our history project on?” I asked.

“I don’t know I’m not really good at coming up with ideas,” he said slowly. “but once we have an idea I can defiantly do my part completely!” he added excitedly making me laugh.

“Well I was thinking that we could do our whole project like a JFK murder mystery, you know like a clue game who really killed John F. Kennedy,” I said very fast, the whole idea of doing my project on something that was so monumental in our history making my blood rush a little faster.

“That’s my little journalist,” said Zack, reentering the room with what seemed to be pizza rolls.

“That is probably the best idea I have ever heard for a project Elizabeth,” said David.

“Aw, David you’re here eating pizza rolls with me and little Zacky here you can call me Liz or Lizzy or something,” I said with a smile.

“Okay, thanks, so now that we have our project ideas out of the way I have something to ask,” he said.

“Shoot,” said Zack with a grin.

“What should I be expecting from your party tomorrow,” David asked, eyes wide with anticipation.

“You should be expecting amazingness!” Zack screamed right in my ear.

“Zacky we have talked about this just because we are excited does not mean we have to yell in other people’s ears,” I reprimanded him slowly.

“Oops, my bad Lizzy,” he said.

“Uh, yeah, and can you tell me what drugs you did before you came here? Why are you so hyper right now Zacky?” I asked.

“I didn’t realize I was being all hyper Liz sorry, I guess I’m just really excited for the party tomorrow! You haven’t been to one of my parties in ages, you know, and I got your super crush to come, and my new friend David is coming,” he said nudging David with his elbow.

“Well, I should probably be going home to meet Alex now,” David said with a sigh.

“Okay we will see you tomorrow David, be looking for us at the party you will be getting VIP treatment at the party,” I said making Zack nod furiously next to me.

“Thanks guys, see you then,” he said.

We watched him as he walked out of the house and got into his car. As soon as he shut the door he seemed to have a nervous breakdown in his seat, fist pumping and everything. He looked up at us looking at him and immediately put his hands on the steering wheel and drove away.

“He is to silly,” Zack said in a dreamy voice.

“Earth to Zacky, what has gotten into you kid? You are never that loud around our friends, friends we have been hanging out with since like seventh grade, and you act with David like you act with me like you have known him your entire life.

“I can’t help it Liz it just feels natural to be myself around him and well I don’t know I just think we need more friends like him.” he said and then took a big gulp of air, “so I think we should invite him and his friends to sit with us at lunch next week.” he finished fastly.

“Wow, this is big for you Z you haven’t invited anyone to sit at our table for more than one day like ever, especially not a guy, usually just some girl you want to hook up with for the night. This is a huge step for you, you know that right, it’s going to draw even more attention to the mystery that is Zack Merrick.”

“Well, I like him Liz I’m serious he is really chill, and I heard that his friend Alex may be looking for people to start a band,” he said with a smile.

Oh, so that’s what this is about, Zacky wants to be in that Alex kids band. Well, he defiantly has the potential. He is a great bass player, not that he doesn’t have me to thank for most of it. Yes, that’s right ladies and gentlemen I taught Zack Merrick how to play the bass, well, not really how to play it, but how to play with his fingers instead of a pick, yeah that was me.

“Fine Zacky but I expect you to thank me in every one of your cd’s if you make it big,” I said.

“You know it Liz, now lets set up for my rocking party tomorrow!”
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