
Chapter 1

By the time I woke up it was 6:50am. It was the first day of grade 10 so it was the hardest day of the entire year to get up. I was used to waking up and being able to go back to sleep for another half an hour but not this morning. I had to have a shower, get dressed, do my hair, and pack my bag for school. On top of all that I had to be out of the house for 7:30 am (that wasn’t happening).

On my way to school I stopped to pick up a 100 pound looking girl named Karen(she always ate but never gained the weight) and meet Mariah a slim, tall girl with long, blonde, hair(Mariah always left her hair down and never did anything to it). We always walked together. As the three of us walked into Montgomery Secondary School some people stared. I always had a problem with people staring at me. I don’t know why but it freaks me out.

Option 1: Ask everyone what the fuck there looking at.

Option 2: Walk away like I didn’t notice anything.

“What the fuck are you looking at?” I questioned some short chubby girl staring at us in the hall as we walked by.

The girl stared at me as if I was about to rip her head off. I get looks like that a lot. Some people give the “what the fuck look”, others give the “ get a life “ look, but most people give the “ go to hell” look. It’s actually my favorite look now (It starts to grow on you).

When we reached my locker on the first floor the first bell rung and Karen, Mariah, and I all said our good byes and went our separate ways. On the way to class Seth saw me. I tried to hide my face so I wouldn’t have to deal with him right know but no matter what I do he knows its me and I can’t do anything about it. I’m not saying I hate Seth he was my type; strong, tan, a football player, and soft, short, brown hair. He also had a great personality; social, nice to everyone, concentrate, and respectful. I’ve known him since 1st grade thought and so has Mariah. She’s had dibs on him since 7th grade when he started to hit puberty (she said she needed a guy not a boy) and with that note it’s never been the same between him and I. I don’t know what would happen if I was ever left alone in the same room as him and I don’t want to know.

Option 1: Tell Seth to leave me alone and stay the fuck away

Option 2: Say hi, make small talk, and tell him I have to go

“Hey Katherine!” Seth said with a huge smile on his face.

“K Seth leave me alone you’re annoying and I don’t like you okay. Stay the fuck away from me.” I retorted and walked into my classroom.

I hated doing things like that to Seth. I hated hurting him but I also hated hurting my best friend and as we all know “chicks before dicks”. I just wanted to crawl into a whole and let everything run its course (with my luck that’ll never happen).

First period was a drag. Yeah, I love writing and all but when you have a teacher who wears fish nettings and low t-shirt’s you just want to gag (especially when she’s 40). Also, it’s sort of hard to ignore her when she doesn’t let you listen to your ipod and doesn’t allow you to use your cell phone in class. I try me best just to stare at my desk while Mrs. Kowel calls on everyone to answer questions.

“Katherine, why do you think the play Romeo and Juliet were so popular?” Mrs. Kowel asked me with a smirk on her face thinking I wouldn’t answer.

“Personally, I think the play Romeo and Juliet was so popular because it was a change. People where used to happy endings. They where used to having plays where the main characters would end up raising a family or running away with each other but Romeo and Juliet changed everything for them. Yeah, the two main characters did fall in love but there ways no happy ending. There were no raising kids in the country scene. There was only a scene where true love never got to be. People loved the play for that reason. Personally I think they only watched it for that reason.” I said as the whole class stared at me in shock because they expected the worst from me (When will they learn).

“I think you’re right Katherine it was a change for them and it would make sense that then went to see the play for that reason.” Mrs. Kowel responded with a shocked look as if she thought I wasn’t good enough to have an opinion.

After a few minutes of staring, talking, and laughing the class when back to normal; Mrs. Kowel went on with asking questions, the class went on with pretending I wasn’t, and I went on with staring at my desk waiting for the bell to ring (big mistake there).

Finally, when the bell rang everyone ran out of the class, except me. When I went to walk out of the class room Mrs.Kowel called my name and I got even more anxious to get out of the class room.

“Did you know that you’re one of the quietest students in this class but you have some of the best thoughts and options? I was just wondering why you don’t share them.” Mrs. Kowel asked as we stood a awkwardly next to each other.

Option 1: Tell Mrs. Kowel to shut the fuck up and get over it if she doesn’t like it.

Option 2: Explain to her that the class is boring and that I feel out of place because I don’t have any of my friends in this class.

“Mrs. Kowel I’ll let you do your thing if you let me do my thing, okay. If you don’t like it then you can go suck a dick, okay.” I said while I was walking out of the class room slowly.
On my way to my next period it felt like everyone was staring at me. I hate walking down the school halls alone. I always feel like everyone is testing me and I fail every time. “Only a couple more doors and I’ll be in my next class. I don’t have to worry, I don’t have to listen to them, and I just have to breathe.” I say over and over in my head.

I have always loved history. Second period always made my day. The people where nice, I had a lot of my old friends in the same class (Karen and Mariah), and the teacher (who did not wear fish nettings that god) just made it where we’d have work but it would feel like a fun game or something. I loved it!

“Mrs. Hall.” A voice said through the P.A system.

“Yes” Mrs. Hall retorted with a questioning look on her face.

“Can you send Katherine Paige to the office?” The voice questioned

“Yes I can.” Mrs. Hall said as sent me down.

I already knew why I was going to the office. I didn’t mean to be rood to Mrs. Kowel it just happened. I didn’t mean to tell a teacher to fuck off she just irritated me and words slip. I just couldn’t believe she told the principle. I was shocked. I’d only gone there once or twice and I wasn’t in trouble. I was always either going home or my mom had to drop something off but never because I was in trouble.

As started walking down the stairs all I heard was “bum, Bum, BUM!”

I walked into the office and took a seat. My heart felt like it was going to burst. It was like a race car going around and around the track over and over again. I started to fiddle around with my fingers and kept trying to bring my sweater down even more than it could go. A few minutes later the principle walked out of his office and asked if I was Katherine. I told him yes and followed him into his office.