Status: ON HIATUS :(

Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys

California 2019. BLindustries has taken over Japan, a chunk of Europe, and a good portion of the US, including most of California. Their policies of getting rid of human emotion and making everyone a lifeless robot is something the Killjoys wouldn't stand for, and so, these two groups have been fighting. They've been at it ever since the fires of 2013, and the mass bleaching of 2012. BLindustries, being the number one company in the world, has sent out their Draculoids to kill whoever decide to stand in their way of carrying out their plan, their plan for total control.
They have a plan. They have a weapon. Something deadlier and more chaotic than nuclear bombs could ever top.
Living in this shattered civilization are two siblings, orphans Meradith and Skyler Knight. The two of them had been living in remote peace until they stumbled upon their old fort. What they didn't expect was that their old fort was a base for a gang of Killjoys, and that inside this fort was holding the one thing keeping BL/ind from destroying the entire world.

So what happens when this weapon ends up in the hands of a 9 year old boy, and a 22 year old girl?

Gerard "Party Poison" Way
Mikey "Kobra Kid" Way
Frank "Fun Ghoul" Iero
Grace "Missle Kid" Williams
Ray "Jet-Star" Toro
Lydia "Crash Queen" Barrows
Show Pony
Dr. Death Defying

  1. Chapter 1: Look Alive, Sunshine!
    "They're rebels Skyler, bandits on the run. BL is trying everything in their power to stop them."
  2. Chapter 2: Danger Heart
    "What the hell is this thing?!"
  3. Chapter 3: Zone 6
    "Gerard, c'mon. Just cool down, alright? We'll get those watches off."
  4. Chapter 4: Death Defying.
    "Well, we all need something to believe in, don't we?"
  5. Chapter 5: En Route
    "BLI built me with a voice as a guide. I can do all sorts of things Mera, changing time is just a small part to what I can do."
  6. Chapter 6: Franklin, Like the Turtle.
    "I don't think smacking me over the head with your bag counts as a formal hello,"
  7. Chapter 7: The Diner
    "I told you that you had to do what I say, so do it! Get up!"
  8. Chapter 8: Pull The Pin, Let This World Explode
    "Did you hear what I just said?! Draculoids are coming to GET ME!"
  9. Chapter 9: Planetary (GO!)
    "You're not alone in this, you know. All of us are fighting for the same thing."
  10. Chapter 10: S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W
    "You're not into that girl, are you?"
  11. Chapter 11: Re(United)
    "...We're just trying to do what's best for the group, for the mission."
  12. Chapter 12: Stand.
    "I saw it on your face just now. You're starting to get into her."
  13. Chapter 13: Improved.
    "What? Look at them! They're so into each other,"
  14. Chapter 14: En Route to Road Danger
    "Alright people, remember, keep your gun close and die with your mask on if you have to! Now let's head out!"
  15. Chapter 15: Keep Running.
    "Y-You don't even know me, I could be the wrong one,"
  16. Chapter 16: The Outer Edge of Zone 5.
    "I know it's scary, but this is what happens when you become a Killjoy..."
  17. Chapter 17: Onward (Outer Edge of Zone 5)
    "You can't date him Mera," He replied, "You can't date any of us."
  18. Chapter 18: The Middle of Zone 5
    "That doesn't compute. This formula is needed in order to-order to destroy better living-living."
  19. Chapter 19: Inner edge of Zone 5
    "Do you like me enough more than this?"
  20. Chapter 20: Just Like My Parents
    "You two are just like my parents! All you do is yell!"
  21. Chapter 21: 1st Checkpoint.
    "The pain of hearing a friend's name on the radio goes away after awhile, but the paranoia is still there..."
  22. Chapter 22: .EVOL S'TI
    "So I can kiss you until your lips fall off,"
  23. Chapter 23: The Skyler Chronicles.
    " alright, Sky? You seem a little jumpy,"
  24. Chapter 24: The Only Hope For Me Is...
    "If you weren't with frank, and I had been nicer to you, would you have considered me?"
  25. Chapter 25: Hollowpoint Smiles.
    "Oh, to be young, and feel love's keen sting,"
  26. Chapter 26: My Chemical Romance
    "Take a picture, it lasts longer,"
  27. Chapter 27: Kid-Napped.
    "....You have 3 days..."