Status: Active but slow updates

Love The Hardest Way

He Did It Again

He had done it again.
She had found herself sitting alone at a table in this fancy ass restaurant once a-fucking-gain sipping on red wine.
She emptied her glass for the fifth time and went to pick up the bottle to pour more. She found the bottle half empty and had set set it back down deciding that she had enough for one night, she checked her phone and chuckled as she put it away.
"Two fucking hours late way to fucking go Phil." She stood up and put the money for the wine on the table. She straightened out her little black and purple dress and began walking to the door, her black heels clicking as she walked across the marble floor.
Once she outside the restaurant doors she was met with a familiar face leaning against the brick wall, a lit cigarette in his hand.
"Hayley I was just about to go in and talk to you." his voice came out slightly shocked as he dropped the cancer stick and stomped it out with his shoe.
"Let me guess, its about Phil?" Hayley asked sarcastically as she began walking again. He stood straight up and jogged to catch up to her.
"He's really sorry Hayley. He got caught up with that match with Hero and . . . well you know how he gets."
" Of course he sends you to do his dirty work Colt. He's probably hoping I take all my anger out on you so he doesn't have to get yelled at." Hayley said harshly as she walked up to her car , a 69 blue and white camero, Colt right beside her.
She stopped and stood in front of her car door keys in hand chuckling she turned to face him."I can't believe he honestly did that."
"He's really sorry Hayley honest." Colt pressed once more. Hayley turned to open her car door and got in, she started the car and rolled down her window so she was facing Colt again and not her tinted window. "That's always his fucking excuse Colt. I'll see ya around." she said as she drove off .
♠ ♠ ♠
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Hayley's car!