Status: Active but slow updates

Love The Hardest Way

You Stood Me Up!

Hayley walked into her home to find him sitting on the couch the remote in one hand and his cell phone held up to his ear in the other.
The t.v. screen played one of his old matches, it was him vs Chris Hero from his I.W.A. days and he was kicking some serious ass in it.
Occasionally he would rewind a move to see how it was executed for future references. A smile spread across his face as he listened intently to the person on the other end of the phone. "Yeah I just finished watching your match.You were awesome!" he smiled into the phone
. "Yeah you looked great, very sexy." he chuckled as he leaned back against the couch. "Alright then, talk to you later Traci." he set his phone down on the coffee table in front of him chuckling to himself as he turned off the t.v.
Hayley frowned as she used her heeled foot to slam the front door close, she quickly locked it and removed her black heels from her sore feet.
He turned his head in the direction of the sound and stood up as she walked down the hall to their bedroom. "Hey Haze! Haze!" he called after her as he grabbed her skinny tattooed arm that currently held her heels.
Hayley spun around sharply her black and red hair whipping around her face. "What Phil?! What could you possibly want from me?!" she snapped at him as her dark brown eyes glaring dangerously into his hazel green eyes.
"What the fuck is your problem?!" Phil snapped at her. "Gee I don't know Phil, maybe its because of the fact that my boyfriend stood me up on another date! Or maybe its because he stood me up for some tramp!" she snapped back.
"Don't talk about Traci that way she's not in this!" "She's as much in this as you are! You picked her over me!" she spat and she hit Phil it the chest with her fist, causing him to let her go.
Taking the opportunity, Hayley walked into their bedroom slamming the door behind her. " Fine Haze go fuck off!" he shouted to the closed door.
Angrily he ran his hands through his red purple and black shoulder length hair. He furiously removed his hands from his hair, bawling his fist up he punched the wall next to him as hard as he could, denting it.
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Leave me some love!
Hayley's dress and shoes!