Operation Undercover Friendship

Chapter 2

The story starts just where we left them; sitting in the backstage area nursing cans of iced tea. It had become a ritual as of late and not one man coulod remember exactly how it had started, all they knew was that Warped Tour had been extremely hot during this stint of the tour. They were all glad that the festivities would soon be coming to a close, and even more extatic about their newfound friendship with the Madden twins. Yes, that is exactly correct, the Madden twins. Avenged took a lot of flak for this new sense of comraderie with the two pop punkers, however there were greater circumstances surrounding this friendship. It was based on trust and mutual interests in the Maddens' minds, but the guys in Avenged had other plans. Plans that would make heads spin and instantly hit news stands on a global scale if it were to ever come out. Shadows had become closest to Joel, while Zacky drew in Benji's trust easily. The Madden twins had some skeletons in their closets as well and in due time the world would know...

Shadows sat uncomfortably on the overstuffed couch in the corner, motioning for Zacky to join him. Zacky took the empty seat that was offered, turned to Shadows and smiled knowingly. "I trust that everything is in order?"

Shadows nodded, "they don't have any idea."

Zacky smirked, "they aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the box, that is for sure. We have killer talents though, no one can touch us man, no one."

Synyster sat quietly in the corner tuning his guitar while Johnny and The Rev stood poised in front of the mirror, placing the finishing touches on their stage make-up. Synyster looked up from his guitar, glancing at the two rockers sitting on the couch and shook his head. "You guys are so egotistical."

Johnny looked over at Synyster and grinned, "I agree with that. I mean guys, with the facade that is Avenged Sevenfold we can do no wrong; everyone loves us, no one expects a god damned thing! We're in the free and clear." He winked at the two on the couch and returned to applying thick black rims around his eyelids.

The Rev continued to study his reflection in the mirror, eyes meeting with those of Shadows' through the reflecting piece of glass. "We've been planning this out for years man. So just chill out and relax. Everything will work out in the end, you'll see. I may not be that smart but I sure know how to be sinister."

Synyster threw a guitar pick at The Rev's head, "hey now, that is my job, fucker."

The Rev cast a lazy glance at Synyser, "oh, I am so sorry to have inconvenienced you Synyster the Great, please forgive me."

"Do not make me come over there." Synyster threatened.

Shadows stood up, his tone low. "Enough you two, do not make a scene or your ass is grass. We've come too far to lose it all now."

The two men nodded in agreement, both quickly returning to the things they were doing before the little squabble had ensued. After months of living in captivity together, patience becomes a virtue in which no one really has. Playing mediator was one of Shadows' strong suits, mostly because no one wished to feel his wrath. Synyster hated being dominated by Shadows; he too liked to have the upper hand in things however he knew that Shadows could easily take him any day, even though he was easily as strong. He didn't have the anger issues that Shadows did and was thankful of that; he knew when enough was enough and could abide by his limits quite well. Whereas pissing off Shadows was like walking into a ring with a bull, dressed in nothing but red. It didn't bode well for anyone really.

After their set, the band members returned to the backstage area, making good use of their time. Each member went their seperate ways, preparing for the night ahead of them. There were only three days left of Warped Tour for this summer and the guys had never been happier. Zacky especially; he hated the sun and couldn't wait to get back home to the shelter and comfort of his own walls, away from the offending elements. Shadows was looking forward to closing off the tour, confident that his friendship with Joel could only become more personal when they got back home; Shadows had convinced Benji and Joel to purchase a new house down the street from the house that he shared with the guys.

Shadows was on his way to the tour bus when a vibrating in his pocket caught him off-guard, jumping a little in shock he reached into his pocket, pulling out his cell. Without looking at the caller ID he flipped the phone open. He had no need to worry about saying something wrong because this was a company phone; no one had this number except for the people who needed it.

"Sanders, here."

"Matthew, how nice to hear that you are still living!"

"Oh, hey Mom." Shadows chuckled, cheeks slightly red with embarrassment.

"You've had everyone here worried! You promised to call more often. You know that this new relationship with the Madden twins could be dangerous for you, just watch yourself and call more often, okay hunny?"

"I know Mom, and I am sorry that I haven't called sooner. We've made some real progress and haven't had time to get into contact with anyone yet."

"Yes, I am aware of that. Brian and Zachary's parents are worried sick as well. They are okay as well, I am sure?"

"Everyone is fine Mom. Besides, you guys aren't even supposed to know about any of this."

"I know dear. Anyway, I am calling for a reason. Mick and James have been trying to contact you all for quite some time. It seems as though they have acquired some new information."

"Did they tell you what it was?"

"Oh Heavens no! You never know whether or not the phone lines have been tapped."

"Thanks Mom, tell them I'll stop by the office in three days."

"Okay, I will. They want you to bring Zacky with you as well."

"Sounds good. Well, I have to go Mom. I have some prior engagements to attend to. I'll come visit you next week."

"Take care of yourself Matthew. I love you."

"Love you too Mom, don't worry so much."