Status: Still working on this story.

The Beginning.

This is my reality.

I lay in my bed, pretending to sleep as I hear my mothers footsteps come up the stairs. I hold my breath. I hear her walk into her room and rip open the envelope, she's muttering something to herself. I hear silence, I assume that she is reading it. I hear paper crumbling, and then I shut my eyes, as tight as they can shut. I pretend this is all a dream. She busts my door open and shakes me "awake."

"What did I do?!!"

"You know what you did! You filthy child!" She yells.

And the first strike stings my face as I fall to the ground.

"Why would you write that letter?! We have given you everything! You are so selfish!"

She tries to make me feel guilty, it doesn't work anymore. I'm lying on the floor in the fetal position trying to just make myself disappear.

"Don't be a child, Stand up!"

She pulls me up by my night gown collar. I just stand in front of her, staring her dead in the eye.

"you've never given me anything." I say, quietly.

"That's a lie!"

The second strike, this time to my stomach. I double over, but then quickly regain myself.

"Stop! Do you not realize what you're doing? This is abuse!"

She freezes. She just stares at me, I stare back. She turns on her heel and walks out, slamming the door behind her. I collapse on my bed, and just fall asleep. I wish I could sleep and never wake up, I wish this was all a dream. But, it isnt. This is my reality.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, this is a sad story. But its going to amount to something.