What If The One That Got away Came Back

4 Years Earlier

before high school
before talking to guys didn't mean anything
before having a guy friend didn't mean having a "Boyfriend"
when the only people you loved were your parents.
I had a best friend.. his name was Sam

he was my best friend since second grade.
Most things i remember about him are blurry
but other things stick in my head and would not get out.
Like when he got me a gold C for Cam
or when he would come to my house for days at a time
how we would tell each other secrets
and when would always be there for each other
and how we got so close in so little time

But there was some things i wasn't sure about...
like how sometimes he would come to school ignoring me
whenever i would try and talk to him
and the next day he would act like nothing happened.
Then came the day he left..
No goodbyes
or I'll see ya latter

He left without warning.
My mom said he had out of school issues
My dad said his family moved to Mars
But all the teachers said he transferred schools..
And i knew that couldnt have been the reason... he would have told me, at least i think he would have.

The hardest part was loosing my best friend
goodbye to long talks
goodbye to telling secrets
and hello to girls making fun of me for not having any friends
hello to lonely weekends.
I began counting the days that you were gone...
i was hopeless.. nothing helped the pain that i ached for you.

And all i could remember was
His beautiful dark green eyes
His sun kissed skin
His boyish smile
How he would tell these crazy stories that were only told in comic book
he had the wildest imagination.. i cant describe it
it was almost like his bubbly personality would rise him to the top every time.

But i didn't know he would come back into my life...I guess i was wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
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