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Which One Is Real?

Chapter one

I pulled the comb through my curly, thick blonde hair. It puffed up a little so I put hair cream in it to make it stay down. I slipped on a light blue nightgown. May be naive to say but it fit me perfectly.

After I was set and ready to go for bed I walked into the living room to say goodnight to my family. Well my mom since she was the only one up.

"Night mom." I say turning my back on the living room, after giving a hug to my mom and kissing her atop the head.

I pull the cover up to my chin, turning onto my right side, I grab my headphones. My iPod is playing 'How far we've come' by Matchbox 20.

It's not long before I fall asleep. The iPod still playing. Mostly angry songs.
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short chapter. dont worry you will understand later.
