Sequel: Lines Are Crossed
Status: Completed. Check out the Sequel ➔

It Takes More

Eleven; Everybody falls sometimes.

As soon as I got home, I fell onto the couch, my face buried into the cushions.

“Elena? What are you doing home?” Jack asked as he walked out of Marla’s bedroom. I mumbled into the pillow, inaudible even to my ears. “What was that?” Jack asked, a laugh evident in his voice.

I lifted my head, turning it to see him in just a pair of boxer briefs. “I said I came home early. Why are you in your boxers?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I just woke up,” he answered with a sheepish smile, scratching the back of his neck. “Not feeling well?”

“Eh,” I grunted, turning my face back into the coach cushion.

“Wanna talk about it?” Jack asked hopefully.

I sat up, patting the seat beside me. “I just don’t know anymore, you know?” Jack shook his head, obviously not catching my meaning. “I was finally okay. When I came to L.A., I changed. I let everything go; or at least I thought I did.

“I found Asher. Marla and I got a nice apartment,” I said, motioning around the living room. “I’m working and going to school. I have friends for the first time in forever.” I shrugged as Jack waited for me to continue. “And now, it’s all gone to shit.

“He just had to show up and ruin it all.” I turned to face my brother, who had an eyebrow raised in curiosity. “Why do I miss him now? Why do I still love him? Why, Jack?” My voice cracked as a single tear slipped down my cheek.

Jack pulled me into is bare chest, letting my salty tears soak his skin. “I don’t know, Elena. I don’t know.”

I let my tears subside before I stood from the couch. “All I know is, I’ll be damned if I let him waltz back into my life and screw it over. I’m going to take a shower.”

Jack smiled halfheartedly. “I’ll order take-out.”


“I have good news!” Jack yelled as he came barreling into my room without knocking.

I pulled the shirt I was holding to my chest, attempting to cover my exposed bra. “Jack!”

“Oh, sorry.” He turned around, his hand over his eyes as he continued talking. “I just got news that our recording time has been delayed. So, we have another week off. And I plan on spending it with my baby sister!”

I squealed as I ran and jumped on his back, my arms clinging to his neck, my shirt forgotten on the floor. “Yay!”

“I knew you’d be happy,” he said as I slid down his back. “Jesus, Elena! Put your shirt on.”

I laughed as I picked the fabric off the floor and pulled it over my head. “Happy?”

“Very. Now, I’m taking you out for dinner. Just me and you, okay?”

“You don’t have to ask, Jacky. Now, get out so I can finish getting ready.


Jack and I hopped into a cab, Jack rattling off an address I wasn’t familiar with. We talked about anything and everything on the car ride—which turned out to be nearly a half hour.

“Where are we going, Jack? Maryland?” I laughed.

He smirked. “Nope. Though, that’s not a bad idea. I could kidnap you now and take you home,” he joked.

“Over my dead body!”

“Relax, drama Queen. We’re here.”

I looked out the window to see a series of beach houses lined up in a row. “None of these look like a restaurant,” I said slowly, suspicious now as to what Jack had up his sleeve.

“Good job, Sherlock. Come on.” He paid the cab driver a hefty fee before he led me by my hand up the walkway to a blue and white house. Stopping on the porch he knocked twice.

Instantly the door swung open, revealing a familiar boy with a stunning smile. “You’re here! Wow, aren’t you grown up, Elena,” he said, pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

“Hey, Rian. It’s nice to see you.” I smiled at the boy I had never known that well.

“Are they here?” a voice echoed through the house. Zack rounded the corner, a pitcher of lemonade in his hand. Setting it on a side table, he held his arms open. “Hey, Elena. Long time, no see.”

“Yeah. You could say that.”

We all settled down around a high table, chips and a vegetable platter laid atop. Conversation flowed easily as I asked about touring and recording and they asked about my life after they left. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as we talked and played cards. I hadn’t been this content in a while.

“Honey, I’m home!” But then, some things were just too good to be true. Alex bounded into the house, his signature smirk hanging on his lips. When he reached the dining room, the smirk fell momentarily as his step faltered. His eyes locked with mine as all motion commenced.

His smirk reappeared as he pulled the empty seat next to mine out, sitting on the chair backwards. “What? You guys thought you’d have a little reunion without me?” he asked, his eyes trailing away from mine for the first time.

Everyone was silent as they watch Alex, anxious to what he would say or do next. I set my hand of cards face down on the table as I pushed my chair out. “Zack, where’s your bathroom?” I asked politely as I stood.

“Around the corner, first door on the right.” I nodded as I walked away, the silence remaining in my wake.

As soon as I rounded the corner, Jack’s voice cut into the still air. “Dude, what the fuck?”

“What?” Alex asked incredulously. “How the fuck was I supposed to know she’d be here?”

“Don’t pull that with me. I specifically told you not to come today.”

“Do I ever listen?” I could hear the usual smile in his voice, before it dropped. I strained to hear his next words. “Maybe I wanted to fix things. Ever think of that?”

I couldn’t hear what was said next, but could hear footsteps coming closer. I tried to pretend that I had just exited the bathroom and hadn’t been eavesdropping.

“Elena? Can we talk? Please?” Alex asked, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

I thought for a moment, watching the vulnerability within him. Nodding my head, I led the way to the front door, stepping out into the fading sunlight. I simply stared at Alex as he kept his head down, studying the wooden planks of the porch.

“Well?” I prompted, not bothering to hide my distaste at agreeing to talk to him.

Looking up, Alex sighed. “I’m sorry, Lee.” I shook my head, a humorless smile on my lips. But before I could walk away, he reached his hand out. “Please hear me out? I know I screwed up. But honestly, I thought you’d be better without me.”

I laughed, my eyes locking with his. “Oh, really? And how the Hell did you figure that?” I was seething. I finally worked up the courage to be alone with him, to let him explain his reasons for ditching me three years ago. And his excuses are lame. Why didn’t I see this coming?

Opening the front door, I yelled inside. “Jack, I’m ready to go home, now!” Without another glance at Alex, I walked to the end of the walkway, and began walking in the direct I believed was home. I didn’t care that I wouldn’t make it on foot, I knew Jack would catch up to me and we’d find a way home—I just needed to distance myself from Alex.
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