Sequel: Lines Are Crossed
Status: Completed. Check out the Sequel ➔

It Takes More

Fourteen; Like I’ll never be the same.

The next morning, I lay in bed—my eyes tracing patterns on the ceiling. Asher and I had spent the previous day together, just lounging on his couch—movie after movie playing on the television across the room. Being the concerned boyfriend he is, Asher watched me carefully—asking what was bothering me, because something had to be bothering me.

Fed up with lying to Asher—who in all honesty didn’t deserve to be lied to, let alone cheated on—I made up yet another excuse to go home. When there, I didn’t sleep—I lied still on my bed, my mind spinning as my thoughts jumbled together.

Sick of holing myself in my room, I joined Marla in the living room. We shared a tub of ice cream as we—more so her, than me—watched a crime drama marathon. Halfway through the fourth episode, the doorbell rang.

“Jack get the door!” Marla yelled, not wanting to move from her spot. I laughed at her laziness as Jack sprinted to the door.

I kept my eyes on the screen as Jack opened the door, but snapped my head in the opposite direction when Jack spoke. “What are you doing here?” I could tell he was trying to keep his voice low, but in the small living area voices traveled.

“I came to talk to Lee,” he stated, peeking around Jack’s form. I turned my head back around before his eyes could meet mine, pretending I didn’t hear as my heart leapt into my throat.

“I don’t think that’s such a good—” Jack started.

“I don’t give a fuck what you think. I just need to talk to Lee.” Alex pushed his way past his best friend, coming to a stop between the TV and me. “What was that?” he asked, throwing an arm in the air.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I avoided his eyes as I tried to peer around his form to see the screen, but he stepped to the side, blocking my view.

“Bullshit! You know exactly what I’m fucking talking about.” I shook my head, cocking an eyebrow. I wondered if he had the balls to call me out in front of my brother—to say precisely what was on his mind. “We were okay last night—more than okay, great. And then I wake up this morning, alone. What’s that about, huh?” he asked, both eyebrows raised as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I stayed silent for a moment, allowing my breathing to even out before I spoke evenly and calmly. “What Alex? Bitter because you weren’t the one leaving this time?” I stood from the couch, standing in front of him, our noses mere inches apart. “How does it feel?” I sneered.

I went to step around him but he stopped me by the arm. Looking up with an eyebrow raised, I saw his walls drop. He was vulnerable—the emotion in his eyes raw. “Is that what last night was about?” he asked softly. As I stayed silent, he continued. “Because for me, it was the best night of my life. I told you I loved you, you told me you loved me, too. And we—Fuck, Elena!” his face hardened as his grip tightened around my upper arm.


“Alex,” Jack warned from somewhere behind me, but Alex ignored him.

“I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry I left. I’m sorry I didn’t call. I’m sorry I never came to see you. I’m sorry you feel the need to hate me. But please—please don’t throw last night away.” His voice dropped considerably as he let go of my arm.

Rubbing my hand over the red outline of a handprint, I stared at Alex—my eyes boring into his. “I think you should go.”

“But Lee—”

“Alex,” I sighed. “Do you really want me to say it?” My eyes glazed over as I pushed everything I felt in that moment aside. I let anger overtake me as I lied through my teeth. “Fine, last night meant nothing. I was just trying to get back at you. I could never forgive you. I don’t love you. In case you’ve forgotten, I have a boyfriend. Now, please leave.” I pointed to the door, where Jack and Marla stood watching our exchange, a tall figure behind them in the doorway.

My heart fell as I watched the pain in his eyes. “Asher,” I said slowly, taking a step toward him but he backed away. “No, Ash, wait!” He fled the apartment, and disappeared down the hall. I glared at Alex as I watched my boyfriend leave. “Now look what you’ve done!”

I stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind me as I followed in the direction Asher had gone. I was determined to fix the only relationship that I thought was repairable.
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Yay! This is probably one of my favorite chapters. So many emotions, so many lies, so much heartbreak. ;) Do I sound sadistic to you? I swear, I'm not.

Anyway, whaddya think?

Thanks to Felicia_Selina. You've been here since the very beginning, and I love you for that. :*