Sequel: Lines Are Crossed
Status: Completed. Check out the Sequel ➔

It Takes More

Two; My chest is feeling empty, always; you're its only cure.

Friday night. I’ve worked the first shift, from four to ten p.m. every Friday since I got this job. I’m not complaining. Friday night tips are some of the best, as are the regular customers who show up. It doesn’t hurt that I get out at ten. That’s when the partying starts, and I wasn’t one to miss a party.

Marla and I had come up with a routine consisting of classes during the week, working-me bartending at Junkie’s, her waitressing at a diner down the road from our apartment-and partying on the weekends. Luckily Asher fit into this routine perfectly. I not only saw him almost every day I worked, but he came out with us to the clubs. He’d probably tell you it’s because he likes to hang out with us, but that’s not the whole truth. I know he tags along to keep an eye on us; to make sure we’re safe and don’t find any trouble, or rather that no trouble finds us.

It reminds me of High School. Well, the early years at least, when Jack was around to keep an eye on me. The only time I minded was when we were working. He didn’t seem to get the idea of flirting a bit for tips. It’s not like I encouraged guys to hit on me while I was working, they did that on their own, but I didn’t stop them. Asher didn’t much like my choice in work attire either. He thought my low cut tops and tight clothing were better suited for some place else, but he didn’t say much anymore, knowing I wouldn’t listen to his protests.

I had become my own person in California. I no longer defined myself as Jack’s little sister, thankfully no one even knew about my dear older brother except for Marla. Asher and a few of my friends know I have a brother, they just don’t know anything about him. Don’t ask why I kept him a secret, because I’m not entirely sure. I guess I just enjoyed the life I had built without him and his friends because I was able to have my own friends outside of him and Marla. Marla and I are still the best of friends, if not even closer than we used to be, but we also had a new group of friends. Some we met throughout our classes, some from each of our jobs, and of course some from parties. I was no longer untouchable, unapproachable. I put myself out there and mingled with the crowds.

My newfound confidence and personality helped out majorly in the bartending department. In Maryland I’m sure I would never have become a bartender, I wouldn’t have been good with the crowds and parties. But here in California it was different; everything was different.

“Elena.” I turned to my name being called from the other end of the bar. One of my regular customers, Teddy, had just come in. I made my way down the bar easily, not having to step around Asher who had gone to the back room moments before.

“Teddy, what can I do you for?” I questioned as I came to stand in front of the aging married man. That’s the thing about having regular customers, you learn a lot about them. You start off learning their drink of choice then slowly they begin to reveal bits of their person lives. Teddy, for instance, was a pro bono attorney for his private practice, he’s been married for twenty-three years and has two sons, one of which works with him, the other recently graduated High School.

“Rum and Coke. Do I ever get anything else?” he asked with a slight laugh. I smiled as I pulled down a glass and began to pour his drink. “So, how has little miss Elena been this week?”

“Pretty good. School is kicking my ass,” I answered with a grin. “But, hey, it’s the weekend. Time to celebrate! My brother’s going to be in town this week, so that’ll be fun.”

“Oh, the rock star brother? Are his friends coming, too?” he asked. See, the thing about getting to know your regulars, you somehow delve out your own secrets as well. Therefore Teddy, here, knew as much about me as I knew about him. But I had sworn him to secrecy on a few of those things, mainly my brother’s occupation.

I nervously checked behind me to make sure Asher hadn’t come back yet, not wanting him to hear that last bit of information regarding my brother who he’d see tonight. “Yeah, that’d be the one. As for the friends, I don’t know. I’m hoping not.”

“I bet you are. Well, you have fun tonight,” he said as he finished the contents of the glass in front of him before standing from the stool. “Time to get home to the Mrs.”

I waved goodbye as Asher came to stand behind me. “Awe, I missed Ted? Damn.”

I patted his shoulder as I made my way to another customer. “You’ll live.”

The rest of our shift went by smoothly and soon enough it the second shift had arrived and were getting ready to take over. But before they could I saw a familiar head of dark brown hair walk up to the bar, Marla attached to his hip.

“Jack!” I yelled across the bar as he approached.

“Elena! Get your ass over here.” I ran around the back of the bar, my arms open wide as I crashed into my big brother. It had been too long since his last visit, nearly a year. “God, I missed you.”

I smiled up at the boy who had practically raised me by himself. “I missed you too, Jacky.”

As I pulled away, I noticed Asher had joined me outside of the bar, our replacements already running around. “And who’s this?” Jack voiced, looking intently at the boy who gently wrapped one arm around my waste as he extended his other hand outward for my brother to shake.

“I’m Asher. Ellie’s boyfriend.” His voice was confident as usual, but I could hear a hint of nervousness in it as he awaited my older brother’s reaction.

“Ellie? But you used to hate when I called you that!” Count on Jack to point that out, his childish pout making its presence. I just giggled and shook my head at my brother’s antics. But, he soon turned serious, as I knew he would. “So, this is Asher?” he questioned, voice laced with suspicion as his eyes bored into my boyfriends.

“Easy, Jack.” I jokingly held my arm in front of me, as if expecting him to attack. Truthfully, that had crossed my mind. He used to be the over-protective older brother who beat up his own best friend because of me. “Be nice,” I said with a smile and he relaxed, smiling genuinely in return.

“And what makes you think I’d be mean?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I answered, looking away as I trailed off.

“Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to-”

“So who’s ready to party?” Marla piped up from beside Jack. Asher sent me a questioning glance, but just like that the tension that had begun to fill the air around us had dissipated as we each voiced our agreement.
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Fillerish... but much needed, you'll see.

What did you think of big brother being back? Any predictions for the near future? What do you think will happen next?

<3 everyone that reads. I would love to hear your thoughts though. (Other than the two that constantly comment -I love you guys like you don't believe-you know who you are!) So don't be silent, please. Even if it's not good, I want to hear what you think.

Okay, enough of my badgering. I'm in the process of writing the next few chapters, and I'm excited for what I have planned! :P